Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

From: llizard aka ejm

                           COLOURED COOKIES

The following recipe, that my sister and I altered from a "Five Roses
Cook Book", eliminates the need for icing as decoration. Children LOVE
making and eating these cookies. (They don't seem to mind that they
taste just okay but not great, because they are very attractive on a
plate with the other standard sugar cookies, shortbreads,

  (\ ==== /)               oven at 375F
  ( \(__)/ )               8-10 minutes
   ( /<>\ )
    (\/\/)      1 c. sugar
     /  \       3/4 c. shortening
    /    \
    ~~~~~~      2 eggs (beaten)
                2 tsp. orange peel
  (\ === /)     1 c. flour
  ( \(o)/ )     3 tsp. baking powder
   ( / \ )      1/2 tsp. salt
     / \        1/3 c. milk
    /   \       1/2 tsp. vanilla
                3/2 c. flour (that's one and a half cups)
  (\ ==== /)
  ( \(__)/ )    Cream sugar & shortening. Add eggs & orange peel.
   ( /_|\ )     Mix in a separate bowl the flour/b.p./salt. Add
    (  |/)      only 1 c. of flour mix to sugar/short/egg/oran bowl.
     / A\       Add milk and vanilla.
    /    \
    ~~~~~~      Divide EVENLY into 5 bowls. Mix food colouring into
                4 bowls, leaving one white. (B: we recommended
  (\ ==== /)    to ourselves to have one and a half bowls of white
  ( \(__)/ )    and half a bowl of blue.) Put remaining flour (two
   ( / ------   and a half cups: 5 x 1/2c.= 1/2 c. per bowl) evenly
    (\/ /)      into the 5 bowls. (or 1/4 c. for the blue bowl and
     /  \       3/4 c. for the white bowl and 1/2 c. for the others)
    /    \
    ~~~~~~      BLM: READ the handle of the measuring cup FIRST
                before there are many tears of frustration.
  (\ ==== /)
  ( \(__)/ )    EJM: DON'T add red to make a better blue.
   ( / oo--:    LISTEN for the timer bell so that the orchestra and
    (\m/ )      choir of angels doesn't turn out mahogany brown.
     /  \
    /    \                      oven at 375F
    ~~~~~~           ungreased cookie sheet 8-10 minutes

                         ASCII-art angels by JV/ejm

Press the dough out to about 1/4 inch depth and using cookie cutters,
cut into shapes. Use the other colours like plasticine to decorate. We
have made little dogs with holly on their collars, angels playing
instruments, Christmas trees, Santas, Initials decorated with holly for
each child receiving the cookies, etc. etc. Try not to handle the dough
TOO much; the cookies get quite hard and tough (although, as I said,
kids don't seem to mind). We use little cookie cutters so the cookies
themselves end up being no bigger than one or two inches.

You don't have to throw out the burned cookies, but can hang them on the
Christmas tree. They look quite amazing.

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Y88b.   Y88..88PY88..88P888 "88b888Y8b.         X88 
 "Y8888P "Y88P"  "Y88P" 888  888888 "Y8888  88888P' 
                 _    _           
                | |  (_)          
  ___ ___   ___ | | ___  ___  ___ 
 / __/ _ \ / _ \| |/ / |/ _ \/ __|
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 \___\___/ \___/|_|\_\_|\___||___/
                                   88        88                       
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 ,adPPYba,  ,adPPYba,   ,adPPYba,  88   ,d8  88  ,adPPYba, ,adPPYba,  
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ASCII Character Codes:

c = ASCII 99

o = ASCII 111

o = ASCII 111

k = ASCII 107

i = ASCII 105

e = ASCII 101

s = ASCII 115


C = ASCII 67

O = ASCII 79

O = ASCII 79

K = ASCII 75

I = ASCII 73

E = ASCII 69

S = ASCII 83