Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

From: Andy C Yu

[snip kimono in japanese chars]
If you go to the website, you can see a gif of what the picture was
supposed to be. It's actually quite pretty. Problem is, it's rendered with
japanese characters. Here's my attempt to replicate it using only ascii
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The hands are formed with hiragana tsu's but, I couldn't find an ascii
equivalent, so I just use 'D's.
The bangs are formed with hiragana no's and katakana ha's which I could
only approximate with slashes and parentheses.
The middle of the sash had an infinity symbol and the hair piece had a
couple gamma's in there. So, I replaced the infinity with 'oo' and just
redid the hair.

I couldn't figure out what the artist was doing with the sandals at all.
Two hiragana to's and one katakana me. Best approximated with 'C' and 'X'.

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ASCII Character Codes:

k = ASCII 107

i = ASCII 105

m = ASCII 109

o = ASCII 111

n = ASCII 110

o = ASCII 111


K = ASCII 75

I = ASCII 73

M = ASCII 77

O = ASCII 79

N = ASCII 78

O = ASCII 79