Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

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From:         cfbd@southern.co.nz (Colin Douthwaite)

Extract from the alt.arts.origami FAQ:

==========================  extract ================================

From: zbrown@lynx.neu.edu (Zachary Brown)
Newsgroups: alt.arts.origami
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for alt.arts.origami
Date: 22 May 1996 16:04:30 GMT
Message-ID: <4nvdue$ffk@chaos.dac.neu.edu>

-------------- Akira Yoshizawa's Beautiful Mouse ---------------

   -1-               -2-            -3-               -4-
 ________           ____     \.  in progress
|        |         /\.  |     \`\. ________       \
|        |        / .'`\|      \  `\.      |       \\.    ./|
|        |       /.'_,-'        \    `\.   |        \ `\./' |    Rotate
|________|      /,-'             `--... `\.|         \.. `\.|
                                       `````            `````
Fold 2 edges         Rabbits fold the long flap while
to center            mountain folding the single layer


         -5-                  -6-      (A)         -7-
                                   /' )     \.
         ,,--'^\,          /-'^\,/'   (      \`\  /-'^\,_---~(
   ,,--''        `,       /      ``,,  )      \ `/      ``,,  )  Fold the
./__,.,,__.,,_.._..',    /.,,_.._..__`\(       \/.,,_.._..__`\(  ear flaps
              |    /     \   \       ~~(B)      `~          ~~   up on both
              |  ./       `\  \                                  sides
              | /           `\ \    Reverse the head
              |/              `\\   down again so (A)
                                `\  comes near (B)
     Reverse fold the head
     up and the tail down


  \.           ,,--^\,_ \~^~~^^~~^~^~~^^/|
   \`\.     /''       ``,\            /' (
    \  `\. /              \         /'   (
     \    /                \      /'      )
      \  /                  \   /' ``,,   )
       \/,_.._..__  __,,_._._\/'       `\.|
        \_/       ~~         (B)          `

    Thin the tail. Outside reverse fold the nose,
    bringing point (A) on both sides down near (B)


 `\`\.           ,,--^\,_ \-..
   `\ `\.     /''       ``,\  `(``--__
     `\  `\. /              \  (      '\.
       `\   /                \  )        \
         `\/                  \ )         \.
          /,_.._..__  __,,_._._\|___.._,,_,,\

          Tuck the nose in, thin the jaw with
          reverse folds, and spread the ears


 `\`\.           ,,--^\,_   /\
   `\ `\.     /''       ``,(  )'``--__
     `\  `\. /              \) \      '\.
       `\   /                \ |         \
         `\/                  \| ___.._,,/
          /,_.._..__  __,,_._._\|

            The Finished Yoshizawa Mouse.


               d8b                             d8b 
               Y8P                             Y8P 
 .d88b. 888d888888 .d88b.  8888b. 88888b.d88b. 888 
d88""88b888P"  888d88P"88b    "88b888 "888 "88b888 
888  888888    888888  888.d888888888  888  888888 
Y88..88P888    888Y88b 888888  888888  888  888888 
 "Y88P" 888    888 "Y88888"Y888888888  888  888888 
                  Y8b d88P                         
            _                       _ 
           (_)                     (_)
  ___  _ __ _  __ _  __ _ _ __ ___  _ 
 / _ \| '__| |/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \| |
| (_) | |  | | (_| | (_| | | | | | | |
 \___/|_|  |_|\__, |\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|
               __/ |                  
                       88                                           88  
                       ""                                           ""  
 ,adPPYba,  8b,dPPYba, 88  ,adPPYb,d8 ,adPPYYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba,  88  
a8"     "8a 88P'   "Y8 88 a8"    `Y88 ""     `Y8 88P'   "88"    "8a 88  
8b       d8 88         88 8b       88 ,adPPPPP88 88      88      88 88  
"8a,   ,a8" 88         88 "8a,   ,d88 88,    ,88 88      88      88 88  
 `"YbbdP"'  88         88  `"YbbdP"Y8 `"8bbdP"Y8 88      88      88 88  
                           aa,    ,88                                   


ASCII Character Codes:

o = ASCII 111

r = ASCII 114

i = ASCII 105

g = ASCII 103

a = ASCII 97

m = ASCII 109

i = ASCII 105


O = ASCII 79

R = ASCII 82

I = ASCII 73

G = ASCII 71

A = ASCII 65

M = ASCII 77

I = ASCII 73