Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See `contraception' for more signs !

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          jgs    '--.______.--'

              .'  '.
             | STOP |

Basic Car

Pick-Up Truck

Sport car with long haired person driving.

          ____               ____
         /_/CL\___          |_| L\___
         \_,.__,._)    or   |_,.__,._)
        ---`'--`'--MK      ---`'--`'--MK

Station wagon (Don't know if this is the right name for it).

          ________                 _________
         |[][][] L\               |______/ L\
         |_,.___,._)     and      |_,.___,._|
        ---`'---`'--MK           ---`'---`'--MK

Basic Car with Caravan
           ______     ___
          /[]  []\  _/[]L\__

Attempt at a motorcycle (not so good).

       ==-( <-`7)

Lorry with trailer (Don't know if the're called this)
 ___________________   ________________________
| >>Marijn<<        | |      e-mail me    || -.\
|         >>Kampf<< | |i.drink.no@beer.com|| |_\\
|___________________| |___________________|| -  |

Truck Big
                   ,  o ' .
                  .  -  -  o
                  o . _ ` '  ` ; .
 ________________________________  H___
P                           MK'98| H ..\
|                         _______| H |_\\
|                        |.========H -  |
B_,-._,-._______________/ |,-._,-._H_,-.)

Truck II
                    ,  o ' .
                   .  -  -  o
                   o . _ ` '  ` ; .
 ________________________________  H___
P                           MK'98||H ..\
|                         _______||H |_\\
|                        |.======='H -  |
B_,-._,-._______________/ |,-._,-._H_,-.)

Truck American Styled (The bonnet isn't quite right yet)
                ,  o ' .
                  .  -  -  o
                  o . _ ` '  ` ; .
 ________________________________  H___
|                           MK'98||H ..\
|                         _______||H |_\\___
|                        |.======='H -      |
B_,-._,-._______________/ |,-._,-._H____,-._)

            |      e-mail me    || -.\                         >MK'98<
    .-O     |i.drink.no@beer.com|| |_\\             ______     ___
==-( <-`7)  |___________________|| -  |  __~p\___  /[]  []\  _/[]L\__
 ,/.//__/\. B_,-._,-.____________|,-._) (_,.__,._) \__,.__|-(_,.__,._)

                                    ,  o ' .
                                  ` .   - ,   o
                                   o . _ ` '  ` ; .
                   _______________________________  H___      >MK'98<
                  |email: marijn.kampf@club.tip.nl||H ..\
__                | visit my web page at   _______||H |_\\___    ___
 L\___  __~p\___  |www.gwobbel.club.tip.nl|.======='H -      | _/[]L\
.__,._)(_,.__,._) B_,-._,-.______________/ |,-._,-._H____,-._)(_,.__,

 _/__|_,\__                 aaaah                   _O
|,-.___,-. )    _____      _o'   @           __     (`
( O ) ( O )   _/__|_,\__   /` __( `>    ____|_,\_   |>
,`-'/_~`-'/) |,-.___,-._) />  )-.)/\-. |,-.___,-.| ,|.
`===---===-'  `-'   `-'       `-'  `-'  `-'   `-'  `-'

(traffic jams caused by unicyclists, very common here in holland)


From: Peter Ikier


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ASCII Character Codes:

t = ASCII 116

r = ASCII 114

a = ASCII 97

f = ASCII 102

f = ASCII 102

i = ASCII 105

c = ASCII 99


T = ASCII 84

R = ASCII 82

A = ASCII 65

F = ASCII 70

F = ASCII 70

I = ASCII 73

C = ASCII 67