Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See 'earthworm' for more !

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From: noonius@netexpress.ee (Kristian Kirsfeldt)

The Worms

Here is the lil' fella:


A worm

After this brief introduction we will now move on to the fist short
movie of the evening:

   _______                                   .---'...    '-._
          '-------____                      |::....      ,   '\
   -__.---------------'''                  /..::.. ,. ..()     |
    |/      oo   Uuh... Another Galaxy..  |,: ::..()            \
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     .    --' .'\                           \::()..... ...   ,/
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        .  __.-'                                ,,  |: | , ,, ,
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                      Space, the final frontier

And now to the second short movie of the evening:

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                          .---':.:.''    '--.
                         /:.:..:....         '\
                        |::.::.:....           |
                        |::.:.:::...           |
                        |:..::::. ..           |
                        |::.::....             /
                         \:..:....:...        '
                          \.:..:....        .'
                           `\:.:.:...     ./

                              Aaah! The South Pole!


                        .  .        .
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                        .  .              oo
                           |       |.  .  .
                        .         . |     .    .
                        | .         |   .      |
                          |  .    .     | oo
                                  | .     | . I feel so incredibly LIGHT!
                        | |       | v          I wonder what's the
                          |  .      |   | OO.  reason for this anomaly?
                        |    |_____/|____ |"|  .
                        |_.-'  :.:.''    '|-.__|
                        | :. ..:....      |    |
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                           \:. :....        .'
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The lil' fellas continue their adventures:

O                                                     O
O   Tonight will dr. Income give us a short lecture   O
O        about new practical ways to ensure a         O
O           good economical growth.                   O
O                                                     O

As you all probably know, this graph next to me
shows a typical economical advancement progress.
           -oo  |/______\/__\_|
            |"  |___________|_|
            |               |

The financial crash at the end of the graph, which
is also known as the Suicidal Happy Hour
and You-lost-all-your-money-Friday, is a Huge Problem.
           -oo  |/______\/__\_|
            |"  |___________|_|
            |               |

                 .      /\
               .      /',/_\
               __   /'___| \'\   WHEEEEE!!!
           -oo  / /' _|  /' /\
            |"   \ /|  /' /' --
            |     '\|/' /'    :
          --'       '\/'     .

As you can all see, the innumerable sleepless
nights that our scientist have spent in the
Institute of Economics haven't gone to the dogs.

           -oo  |__\/__\__/\/_|
            |"  |_______\/____|
            |                      dlK

While we all are so interested in knowing the size of an ordinary
worm, this picture will clear up a bunch of questions. Here it is: a
typical worm compared to a typical apple and to a typical

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           |\ \  \             |           `\:.:.:...     ./   dlK
           ' `-`--`--        --'              '--,-/|\----'

     A nazitransvestite     A worm              An apple

Yes, the worms and their apples aren't of small breed.

See 'cartoon' for more cartoons !


     . .  .  .  . . .
   .                  .                  _.-/`/`'-._
   . What a nice day! .                /_..--''''_-'
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              ;         V`--V`__./@}                    ;
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                \                                     /
                 `.                                 .'
                   `-._                         _.-'ls

See 'bookworm' for another !

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                     -=> Philip Kaulfuss <=-

From:  cfbd@southern.co.nz (Colin Douthwaite)
      |  \____________________________________________
       \_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_ \
        /\                                           \^|
        ) )     PUT YOUR INFORMATINON IN HERE!!!      |^|
       / /                                            |^|
      ( \____________________________________________/^|  -Cody Hinze-

      Ok then...here we go...

      |  \____________________________________________
       \_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_(_ \
        /\                                           \^|
        ) )               THE WORM SONG               |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       Nobody likes me,                    |^|
        | |       Everybody hates me!                 |^|
        | |       I'm gonna eat some worms.           |^|
        | |       Chorus (Repeat after each verse)    |^|
        | |       Long, slim slimy ones,              |^|
        | |       Short, fat juicy ones,              |^|
        | |       Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.    |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       First you get a bucket,             |^|
        | |       Then you get a shovel,              |^|
        | |       Oh how they wiggle and squirm.      |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       First you pull the heads off,       |^|
        | |       Then you suck the guts out.         |^|
        | |       Oh how they wiggle and squirm.      |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       Down goes the first one,            |^|
        | |       Down goes the second one,           |^|
        | |       Oh how they wiggle and squirm.      |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       Up comes the first one,             |^|
        | |       Up comes the second one,            |^|
        | |       Oh how they wiggle and squirm.      |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       Everybody likes me,                 |^|
        | |       Nobody hates me!                    |^|
        | |       Why did I eat those worms?          |^|
        | |                                           |^|
        | |       Chop up their heads and             |^|
        | |       Squeeze out their juice,            |^|
        | |       And throw their tails away.         |^|
        | |       Nobody knows how I survive          |^|
        | |       On worms three times a day!         |^|
        | |                                           |^|
       / /                                            |^|
      ( \____________________________________________/^|

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 -Chev         `\   |   /  ,'           `\ /      |/~'
                 `\/_ /~ _/               `~------'

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        .';;|;;\            _,-;;;\;-_               ,'  _/'|
        `\_/;;;/;\         /;;\;;;;\;;;,             |     .'
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              `;/;;;|;;;|;;;,'         |;;;;|;;;;;|;;|/'
 -Chev         `\;;;|;;;/;;,'           `\;/;;;;;;|/~'
                 `\/;;/;;;/               `~------'

(See 'games' for much more of Earthworm Jim !)

Earthworm Jim :

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ASCII Character Codes:

w = ASCII 119

o = ASCII 111

r = ASCII 114

m = ASCII 109


W = ASCII 87

O = ASCII 79

R = ASCII 82

M = ASCII 77