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Martin Atkins' advent calendar 1998 :

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               The star on top of the
       Christmas tree shines bright,
     but there's pain and violence
  that the star cannot make disappear

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              Kids receiving presents
  while others wish that at least
  on this special day there was peace
                  instead of war

Praseodymium 59 (Pr59)

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David Palmer (dp)

The holly and the ivy,
when they are both full grown,
of all the trees that are in the wood,
the holly bears the crown.

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Geraldine Jones (gfj)

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                             | 4th December |

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Veronica Karlsson (VK)

Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant.
I come ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem.

                          -- Seasons Greetings --

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                                5th December

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Hayley Jane Wakenshaw (hjw)

Good King Wenceslas looked out,
On the feast of Stephen,
When the snow lay round about,
Sweet and crisp and even.

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                                6th December

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Joan Stark (jgs)

I`m the fairy on top of the Christmas tree,
But Christmas time is sad for me,
Cos noone ever notices, the fairy on the Christmas tree!

                           - Season's Greetings -

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
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             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\

                               7th December

Advent is one of the wonderful times in the year that there are choir
concerts galore. I could never tire of this wonderful work of Britten's
so I thought it would be nice to see it here in aaa. I hope you all have
a chance to hear it at least once this season.
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  ejm                                              ' `

      Benjamin Britten A Ceremony of Carols Op. 28 (1942)

           1) Procession 'Hodie Christmas' Anon
           2) 'Wokum yole' Anon
           3) 'There is no Rose' Anon
           4a) 'That yonge Child' Anon
           4b) 'Balulalow' James, John and Robert Wedderburn
           5) 'As dew in Aprille' Anon
           6) 'This litle Babe' Robert Southwell
           7) Interlude (Harp)
           8) 'In freezing winter night' Robert Southwell
           9) Spring Carol William Cornish
          10) 'Deo Gracias' Anon
          11) Recession 'Hodie Christmas' Anon

There is a good description of the piece at


                 (   (      )  )  (   (       )(
                  V   V    V  V    V   V     V  V

I almost chose Britten's other work Saint Nicholas, Op. 42 for tenor,
chorus, and orchestra because I love the part about the pickled boys
being rescued by Saint Nicholas. I guess that can be for another

Llizard (ejm)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
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                               8th December

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Joan Stark (jgs)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\

                              9th December
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Joan Stark (jgs)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
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                              10th December

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Hilton Janfield (hilt)

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     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
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             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              11th December

*error: cant find 11.txt

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              12th December

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Lester (amc)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              13th December
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Joan Stark (jgs)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                               14th December

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Hayley Jane Wakenshaw (hjw)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
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                               15th December

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Hayley Jane Wakenshaw (hjw)

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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              17th December

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Colin J Randall (cjr)

       *** Happy Birthday Wishes today go to Colin Randall's Mother ***

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     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              18th December

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SheDragon/Spirit of the Night (ldb)

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                               19th December

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|__//|\\____| []  [] |____| [] [] |____| []  [] |___/---\___ldb__|

                 -- Happy Birthday SheDragon!!! --

SheDragon (Laura) (ldb)

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
     | / \||    \|  /  | || |  | / \|| | \|| | //|  \  | |\ ||  / \
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             /   _\/  _ \/ \   /  __// \  /|/  _ \/  _ \/  __\
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             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                               20th December

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     :____::____:   :
      `..'  '..' """      -AND DON'T FORGET TO GIVE YOUR FRIENDS A WARM HUG!

Maija 'DiamonDie' Haavisto  (mh)

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
     | / \||    \|  /  | || |  | / \|| | \|| | //|  \  | |\ ||  / \
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     \_/ \|\____/\____/\_/\_/  \_/_\|\____/\__/__\____\\_/__\|  \_/
             /   _\/  _ \/ \   /  __// \  /|/  _ \/  _ \/  __\
             |  /  | / \|| |   |  \  | |\ ||| | \|| / \||  \/|
             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\

`,/`  __  ___  __  ___ _  _       __  _  _ _  _  _   __ ___ _  _ ___  `.\`
,o\   | \ |_  /__\  |  |__|   of   |  |\ | |\ | / \ /   |_  |\ |  |    /o.
`,/`  |_/ |__ |  |  |  |  |   an  _|_ | \| | \| \_/ \__ |__ | \|  |   `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
,o\                                                                    /o.
`,/` I went to a party Mom, and remembered what you said.             `.\`
,o\  You told me not to drink Mom, so I drank soda instead.            /o.
`,/` I really felt proud inside Mom, just like you said I would.      `.\`
,o\  I didn't drink and drive Mom, although others said I should.      /o.
`,/`                                                                  `.\`
,o\  I know I did the right thing Mom, I know you are always right.    /o.
`,/` Now the party is finally ending Mom, as everyone's driving       `.\`
,o\                                                   out of sight.    /o.
`,/` As I got into my car Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.      `.\`
,o\  Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.       /o.
`,/`                                                                  `.\`
,o\  I started to drive away Mom, but as I pulled out onto the road,   /o.
`,/` The other car didn't see me Mom, it hit me like a load.          `.\`
,o\  As I lay here on the pavement Mom, I hear the policeman say,      /o.
`,/` The other guy is drunk Mom, and now I'm the one to pay.          `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
`,/` I'm lying here dying Mom, I wish you'd get here soon.            `.\`
,o\  How could this happen to me Mom? My life just burst like a        /o.
`,/`                                                       balloon.   `.\`
,o\  There is blood all around me Mom, and most of it is mine.         /o.
`,/` I hear the medic say Mom, I'll die in a short time.              `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
`,/` I just wanted to tell you Mom, I swear I didn't drink.           `.\`
,o\  It was the others Mom. The others didn't think.                   /o.
`,/` He was probably at the same party as I.                          `.\`
,o\  The only difference is he drank, and I will die.                  /o.
`,/`                                                                  `.\`
,o\  Why do people drink Mom? It can ruin your whole life.             /o.
`,/` I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.            `.\`
,o\  The guy who hit me is walking Mom, I don't think it's fair.       /o.
`,/` I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.                 `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
`,/` Tell my brother and my sister not to cry Mom.                    `.\`
,o\                                    Tell Daddy to be brave.         /o.
`,/` And when I go to Heaven Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.     `.\`
,o\  Someone should have told him Mom, not to drink and drive.         /o.
`,/` If only they had told him Mom, I would still be alive.           `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
`,/` My breath is getting shorter Mom, I am getting very scared.      `.\`
,o\  Please don't cry for me Mom, when I needed you,                   /o.
`,/`                                       you were always there.     `.\`
,o\  I have one last question Mom, before I say good-bye.              /o.
`,/` I didn't drink and drive Mom, so why am I the one to die?        `.\`
,o\                                                                    /o.
Hilton Janfield (hilt)

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
     | / \||    \|  /  | || |  | / \|| | \|| | //|  \  | |\ ||  / \
     | |-||\___ ||  \__| || |  | |-||| |_/|| \// |  /_ | | \||  | |
     \_/ \|\____/\____/\_/\_/  \_/_\|\____/\__/__\____\\_/__\|  \_/
             /   _\/  _ \/ \   /  __// \  /|/  _ \/  _ \/  __\
             |  /  | / \|| |   |  \  | |\ ||| | \|| / \||  \/|
             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                               22nd December

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Martin Atkins (mga)

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     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
     | / \||    \|  /  | || |  | / \|| | \|| | //|  \  | |\ ||  / \
     | |-||\___ ||  \__| || |  | |-||| |_/|| \// |  /_ | | \||  | |
     \_/ \|\____/\____/\_/\_/  \_/_\|\____/\__/__\____\\_/__\|  \_/
             /   _\/  _ \/ \   /  __// \  /|/  _ \/  _ \/  __\
             |  /  | / \|| |   |  \  | |\ ||| | \|| / \||  \/|
             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              23rd December

              .'  \     `\
            .' .-' '.   _ |
           /.__   ) C,  ^ \
          .'   `'-. ( ;-.-'
         /         '.  ) |
        /            \  /   _.,
       ;    .         ';-"`;_.'\
       |     '.         \  |   /          .* ** *,
       |___    `'-..___.|__/--'          *  .--.  *
       |   ```"""-----'/                 '*/_ _`\*'`\
       )"""----....___.;               _.`.|^.^ ?;` .'
     .'              '.`'.           .;-.-'\_- /-.',(
    /                  '. \         /_.'          ;.|
   |'--....___    ___..--` \      .;'          .-' .;
   L.._ __    ````    __..-'     /;           / `.' /
    ;._`__````""--""``    \     .'(        _.'`.' /`
     7 |  ``""";--.._      |   /`,'`'"".`"` '.' .'
    |   7      |  |  `'    |   \__.` '. _`;.' .'
    \__|    .--'._;        /    |_`""-'` |  .'
       \__/` jgs  `'-.___.;   .-; `\...._/-'
                         {_}-'   \  \
                           `-.._ |  /
Joan Stark (jgs)

      ____  ____  ____  _  _    ____  ____  _     _____ _      _____
     /  _ \/ ___\/   _\/ \/ \  /  _ \/  _ \/ \ |\/  __// \  /|/__ __\
     | / \||    \|  /  | || |  | / \|| | \|| | //|  \  | |\ ||  / \
     | |-||\___ ||  \__| || |  | |-||| |_/|| \// |  /_ | | \||  | |
     \_/ \|\____/\____/\_/\_/  \_/_\|\____/\__/__\____\\_/__\|  \_/
             /   _\/  _ \/ \   /  __// \  /|/  _ \/  _ \/  __\
             |  /  | / \|| |   |  \  | |\ ||| | \|| / \||  \/|
             |  \__| |-||| |_/\|  /_ | | \||| |_/|| |-|||    /
             \____/\_/ \|\____/\____\\_/  \|\____/\_/ \|\_/\_\
                              24th December
                              Christmas Eve

                  .                *  |  *
                 / \                 \|/
                (   )          * - - -*- - - *
            ____|   |____            /|\
           |             |         *  |  *                      _______
           |             |__          |                        |       |
           |                |         |                        |       |
           |                |         |                        |       |
           |                |         |                        |       |
           |                |  "Oh, Little Town of Bethlahem"  |       |
           |                |__    ___|    ____     ___________|       |
           |                   |__|   |___|    |   |                   |
           |                          |        |___|                   |
           |                          |                                |
           |                         _|_                               |
           |                       // * \\                             |
           |                     //       \\
           |                   //||       ||\\
           |                  _  ||       ||       gfj
           |          \"'/_._.''--'//'-\'/..-'".-
Geraldine Jones (gfj)


Veronica Karlsson's Ascii art advent calendar 1998 :
(all pictures by VK, initials added by me a:f)

1 December


                                      /_   /
                                      |o\ /_
                                      \_.-. )
                                     (_|   `
                                     //|/  |\
                                    //.' .' |
      _.-------.__                //   / / /
_.---'            `---._      /`-//   / (_ `
                        `-. .'' ) /  _|_|\__\
                           `-'__.'__(___|__)_)__ VK

2 December

More snow

            /##\    /##\
            \##/    \##/
         _ ||     /..\ || _
        ( \||    | __ |||/ )
           /            \
       ----.__  _   ___ _\
       \      `----._     |
       _|__          `--._|
    .-'    `-._           \
  .'    .'     `-._        |
    /  /  .'       `-.     | /
             /    -   `.  /.-'
         '     '     `. \-'    VK

3 December

Who has been here?

                                      .-  _

                                           .-  _.
                                  .       (_.-'
              .-  _

                  .-  _
         .       (_.-'
   (_.'  VK

4 December


       L       (>'}
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       L       (>\
      J          <\
      |           <`.
      J            '<`-._
       L______        '< `-.
        \   | `-.           |
         \__|    `-._______.'_
        __) (_______) (_) (_) }


A pair of skates

       ___L_____  (>'}
       L       (>'}>{)
       L       (>{)>\`-
       |       (>\`-|`
       |       (>|`>|
       |       (>|(>\
       L       (>\  <\
      J          <\  <`.
      |           <`. '<`-._
      J            '<`-._'< `-.
       L______        '< `-.   |
        \   |_`-.           |_.'_
         \__| (__`-._______.'_ ) }
        __) (_______) (_) (_) }_}


5 December


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   ((((_/ .'      .-`)))))))                  `-._ ('.'        \`(\
  (_._ ` (         `.   (/ |                      \ (           `-.\
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   (`._      `. <    .'.-'                \`-._____    ||        .' /
    `(\`._.._(\(\)_.'.'-------------.___   `-.(`._ `-./ /     _.' .'
      (.-.| \_`.__.-<     `.    . .-'   `-.   _> `-._((`.__.-'_.-'
          (.--'   ' |    \ \     /| \.-./ |\ `-.   _.'>.___,-'`.
             (  o  <      |     |  `o   o'  |  /(`'.-'   --.    \
           .'     /      .'   _ |   |   |   |  ( .'/  o .-'   \  |
           (__.-.`-._  -'    '   \  \   /  /    ' /    _/      | J
                 \_  `.      _.__.L |   | J      (  .'\`.    _/-./
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_______.------.______/ |_/ |_/_|_/// |__| \\__________// |--( \\---------
                    '-' '-'       '-'    `-`           '-'   `-`


6 December

Baking bread

               .'      `.
             .' .-'``-._ `.
             | / -    - ` |
            / |'   | \
           | (|    '`    |) |
           |   \  -==-  /   |
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         .'| |`-.  /\  .-'| |`.
      _.'   \ \  `'  `'  / /   `._
     { `.    | `-.____.-' |    .' }
     /`. `./ /   __  __   \ \.' .'\
    /   `.| |   /  \/  \   | |.'   \
   (    (  \ \  \      /  / /  )    )
    `.   \  Y|   `.  .'   |Y  /   .'
      \   \ ||_ _ _\/_ _ _|| /   /
       `.  \|'            `|/  .'
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      ((((_(                )_))))   .##. |
     / ```` `--------------' ''''\   |  | |
    (                             \  |  |-'
     )                             ) `--'
    (          _        _.---.__.-'
     `-.___.--' `------'

7 December

Ginger bread

                            _.---._    _.---._
                           /       `--'       \
                          |                    |
        ___               |                    |
       /   \               \                  /              ___
       \   /                `.              .'              /   \
    _.-'   `-._               \            /                \   /
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 /  .         .  \                `.  .'               /             \
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     |       |        |  `----'                `--' /    /         \
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   J   F   J   L        |   .----.________.---.   |    J             F
   |  J     L  |        |  /                   \  |     \_    _    _/
   `--'     `--'        `-'                     `-'       \_.' `._/


8 December

Winter clothes
     .|||||.            .|||||.            .|||||.            .'     `.
    |"""""""|          |"""""""|          |"""""""|          /  _____  \
    | o   o |          | o   o |          | o   o |          | /o   o\ |
   (|   ^   |)        (|   ^   |)        (|   ^   |)         ||   ^   ||
    |  -=-  |          |  -=-  |          |  -=-  |          `|  -=-  |'
     `.___.'            `.___.'            `.___.'             `.___.'
   ___|   |___        ___|   |___        ___|   |___        .--(_ _)_)--.
 .'           `.    .d888boood888b.    .'   `---'   `.    .'    /\ \     `.
 |  .       .  |    |8888888888888|   |               |  (     ///)))      )
 |  | .   . |  |    |88|8888888|88|   |   |     & |   |  (    )  (o   (    )
 |  |       |  |    |==|8888888|==|   |   |       |   |  (    )  (o   (    )
 | -|   .   |- |    |  |8888888|  |   |   |       |   |  (    )  (o   (    )
 |  |=======|  |    |  |8888888|  |   |   |       |   |  (    )  (o   (    )
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 (((|  `+'  |)))    (((|8888888|)))    (((|   +   |)))    |  |)  (o   (|  |
   |    |    |        |8888|8888|        |    |    |       \_|_._(_._._|_/
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    |__| |__|          |88| |88|         |    |    |        ( ____|____ )
    |==| |==|          |88| |88|         |    |    |         |<   |   >|
 ___|  | |  |___    ___|==| |==|___    __|____|____|__     .-'<   |   >`-.
(_\___() ()___/_)  (_\___() ()___/_)  (_\___() ()___/_)   (_____._|_._____)


9 December

Feeding the birds

  `. |& & & & | |##|  |                 _        |     '/     _.-.-'
    \| & & & &| |##|  |  `-._          --._____ ( \__     |  '   | .'.'
"""""| & & & &| |##|  |    '    _   | `-''-._ __ |      |'.'
     |& & & & | |##|  |        (o> / \       `-.`|  (  ' /
     | &,& &,&| |##|  |       / ) /d8b\  _      \       |
     |&/(--'( | |##|  |      /' `(88888) |   `  |
 | |/ `-'  `-'| |##|  |               '      | )'|      |
_|_/____)___)_| |##|  |                      |'  |      |
________________|##|  |                          |    ( |
###################|  |                          | '    |
###################|  |                          |      |
###################|  |                   _      | )    |
###################|  |                   / .' /  _| | |_ ||(_)/ // _|__ \   /6\ \    \
|   / /   C '-'  |  |_  .  _(_-< / /_> _|_ | \ <   \ \    |
| /(_/____/      |  |_     _/ _//_/(_)____|   > )   \ \   |
|/  ( .-. )       \   |_|_|  ||             .'  \____\_)\ |
O  / /   \ \       \____________________ _.'    ( .-. )  \|
  | |     | |        /                 /|      / /   \ \  O
  | |     | |_______/-----------------/ |     | |     | |
  | |     | |      /________________ /  |____.| |     | |
  | |     `._____ (|_TRAIN SET      |   |     | |     | |
  | |           /'   \  == ====== __|)________.'      | |
  |  \          \.___/i- [ ][][][/   `\               | |
  |   `---------'  | /_ooo+o----o\___./              /  |
  |         |      |________________|/`-------------'   |


23 December

Wrapping presents

                                                        )/    \
                                                        |  o   |
                                                        |o4_  ' \
                         __________________              `-      \
                        /                 /|            .' | |    |
                       /-----------------/ |      .-._ (_.-| | |_ |    _
                      /________________ /  |     <    `-._/|/ /    \.-' )
                      | TRAIN SET      |   |__.---`-._    `-._|     _.-'
   _            ______|    == ====== ==|   |      )   `-._    `-._-'
  ( `-._-------'__    |  i- [ ][][][ ][|  / _  .-'   /    `-._   .-.
   `-._ `-._   (o))   | /_ooo+o----o+o-| / (X)'   o./___      `.'   )
       `-._ `-._ \\   |________________|/         O'          __.--'
           `-._ `-._           __________________.-----------'


24 December

Finally Christmas eve!

        (  Mommy, where's Kitty?  )                       .---._
         \ _.--------------------'                       (      `.
   .---. /'                                               \    .-.\
  /     \                                                 .(//)
-----------------------------.                         .-'     `-.
                              |                    _.-'           `-.
                              |                _.-'                  `-.
                              |             .-'             _______     `.
                              |           .'              .'__   __\      \
                              |.---.    .'              .' /-.\ /.-\\      \
                              |     |  /               /   \.-\O/-./ \      |
                              |     | |               /   .'.-//-.\`. *purr* \
                              |     | |              / __/// ||   \\ \_\     |
                              |     |/              / /.'//  ||    \\ `.\    |
                              |     ||             / /=_''   LL     ``=/ \   |
                              |     ||            / /_______//_______ /|/|\  |
                              |     ||            | |      ||        |  /| | |
                              |     ||            | |______||________|/  | | |
                              |     ||            | |______||________|/|/ /  |
                              |     ||             \|      ||        | / /   |
______________________________|____/ |              \______||________|/ /    |
                                | |  |               `._______________.'     |


 25 December

Big Dinner

         (  I heard you! Don't feed  )
          \  the cat at the table!  /  ,;;;;;,
           `---------------------. | ,;;;;;;;;;,
                                  \| ;;;;;;;;;;;
                                   ` ;;;;;;;;;;;
 .-------------.                     ;;;;;;;;;;;
( (do you       \                     ;;;;;;;;;
 \   like fish?) )                     `;;;;;'
  `._______  __.'    _              .---'---`---.
           |/ _____ ' \  OoOO8o    /             \
     sSSSs '  \    )_  \oOOO8OOoO /    .--x--.    \
    SSSSSSS    )  (  ) ==========/   .'  (_)  `.   \       _
   sSSSSS o\  (    )/  |        /  /||         ||\  \  ___/
___SSSSS _= ___\__/_____\______(__/_||         ||_\__)[___]_
--.SSSS`<                           ||         ||  |
   |     `.  |               __  |  ||         ||
   |   .-. \    ..      |   (  \    ||         ||
   |--/   \ \   ))\  |       | |    ||_________||
   |  `-.  \ \  /@ \         | |   /(|_________|)\
___|___  \  (`&<    `--------' |   | |||     ||| |        |
___|___)  |    _`.             |   | |||     ||| |
  ||  ||  |   ( `'             |   | |||   | ||| |
  ||  ||  \    `--/  ______(   / | |_|||     |||_|      |
  ||  ||   |  |  / .'     > \ <  .-' ||==-=-==|| `-.


26 December


                       .'   \
                       | .--.|
                      /  `::'  `.
                     /           \
                     |   |     |  \       _
                     \   \_    |  .\__.--' \
                .----|\    `---<\// |       \
                |`+'_| `.___|._./\|  |       \
                `.|' |'     \    `|   |       \
                _/   `.(    ))---/`-.__|_.--'--`.
               ((_    /\   .' `-/._ `.  `-._     `-._
               /\\`-./\ >-'    /   `-.`-.   `-. _.---\
            ` '__`_-(  (-._  .J_      `-.`-.   | (##) >.
            `    // \\  )_ `-.F `-.__    `-.`. |__.--'  \
              `  `\_//`'._`-.J       `--.__ `-`.      _.-)
            '        `--.__`-|             `-.__>----'.-'
                           `--`--.__        _.-')__.-'``.    .-.
                                    `--._.-'-'""        ``._//_))
                                 ` ` --'--\\   ._    ` ` _____.'
                                '    `-.`- \\ //)\  '
                                  '     `-._ .' .'    '


27 December

Leftover party
                                             .'     `.
                                .-.-.--.    /         \
                               ( *burp* )   |________| |
                                `-'-'`-'`.  |(o)  (O)|\|
                                          ` ( _/__\_ ) O
                                .-.--.-.     (  ==  )
                               ( *yum!* )  .-'`.  .'`-.
        _               .-.    ( *purr* ) /  |  \/  |  \
       ( \    _____    / ._)   ( *yawn* )/  /   |:   \  \
        \ `.-'     `-.' /(')_ .'`-'`-'-'(  /| __|:__ |\  )
   ______\             .'`-' \           \_\|' o\/- `|/ /        _
__(_______)                 ` |\__________\_\   |    /_/____.---/_____
         /              .-.___\             /   __   \    ((888/8))
        / .'-._____.-`. \     _         _  / \.'  `.  \  _ |`---'|
       (_/    _ (_)  _ \_)  <3_)--     ( \/\_/\----.\_/\/ )|     |
            ><_>_(_)(_)  `o             \_.' ( O o88) `._/ `-----'
          o   ><_> <_>< o ooo                 `----'


             888                        888                   888         
             888                        888                   888         
             888                        888                   888         
 8888b.  .d88888888  888 .d88b. 88888b. 888888 .d8888b 8888b. 888 .d88b.  
    "88bd88" 888888  888d8P  Y8b888 "88b888   d88P"       "88b888d8P  Y8b 
.d888888888  888Y88  88P88888888888  888888   888     .d88888888888888888 
888  888Y88b 888 Y8bd8P Y8b.    888  888Y88b. Y88b.   888  888888Y8b.     
"Y888888 "Y88888  Y88P   "Y8888 888  888 "Y888 "Y8888P"Y888888888 "Y8888  
             888                .d8888b.  .d8888b.  
             888               d88P  Y88bd88P  Y88b 
             888               888    888Y88b. d88P 
88888b.  .d88888 8888b. 888d888Y88b. d888 "Y88888"  
888 "88bd88" 888    "88b888P"   "Y888P888.d8P""Y8b. 
888  888888  888.d888888888           888888    888 
888  888Y88b 888888  888888    Y88b  d88PY88b  d88P 
888  888 "Y88888"Y888888888     "Y8888P"  "Y8888P"  
           _                 _            _                _            _____ 
          | |               | |          | |              | |          |  _  |
  __ _  __| |_   _____ _ __ | |_ ___ __ _| | ___ _ __   __| | __ _ _ __| |_| |
 / _` |/ _` \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ __/ _` | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '__\____ |
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                    88                                     ,d               
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,adPPYYba,  ,adPPYb,88 8b       d8  ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba, MM88MMM ,adPPYba,  
""     `Y8 a8"    `Y88 `8b     d8' a8P_____88 88P'   `"8a  88   a8"     ""  
,adPPPPP88 8b       88  `8b   d8'  8PP""""""" 88       88  88   8b          
88,    ,88 "8a,   ,d88   `8b,d8'   "8b,   ,aa 88       88  88,  "8a,   ,aa  
`"8bbdP"Y8  `"8bbdP"Y8     "8"      `"Ybbd8"' 88       88  "Y888 `"Ybbd8"'  
           88                                 88                        
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""     `Y8 88 a8P_____88 88P'   `"8a a8"    `Y88 ""     `Y8 88P'   "Y8  
,adPPPPP88 88 8PP""""""" 88       88 8b       88 ,adPPPPP88 88          
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`"8bbdP"Y8 88  `"Ybbd8"' 88       88  `"8bbdP"Y8 `"8bbdP"Y8 88          
 ad88888ba   ad88888ba   
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 "PPPPPP"88  ,d8"""8b,   
         8P d8"     "8b  
8b,    a8P  Y8a     a8P  
`"Y8888P'    "Y88888P"   

ASCII Character Codes:

a = ASCII 97

d = ASCII 100

v = ASCII 118

e = ASCII 101

n = ASCII 110

t = ASCII 116

c = ASCII 99

a = ASCII 97

l = ASCII 108

e = ASCII 101

n = ASCII 110

d = ASCII 100

a = ASCII 97

r = ASCII 114

9 = ASCII 57

8 = ASCII 56


A = ASCII 65

D = ASCII 68

V = ASCII 86

E = ASCII 69

N = ASCII 78

T = ASCII 84

C = ASCII 67

A = ASCII 65

L = ASCII 76

E = ASCII 69

N = ASCII 78

D = ASCII 68

A = ASCII 65

R = ASCII 82

9 = ASCII 57

8 = ASCII 56