Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See 'obelix' for more !

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         _ (G^ @@__ / '.  .' By Toutatis, the `.
   ,._,-'_`-/,-^( _).__: .' druid's potion has :
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   `'(|.oMMMM       __,',-'`._  ascii art!   ,'
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|  Asterix, le heros de ces aventures.  Petit guerrier a l'esprit  |
|  malin, a l'intelligence vive, toutes les missions  perilleuses  |
|  lui sont confiees sans hesitation.  Asterix tire sa force sur-  |
|  humaine de la potion magique du druide Panoramix...             |

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   | Assourancetourix, c'est le barde.  Les opinions sur son ta- |
   | lent sont partagees : lui, il trouve qu'il est genial, tous |
   | les autres pensent qu'il est innommable.   Mais quand il ne |
   | dit rien, c'est un gai compagnon, fort apprecie...          |

(Cartoon from the Red Baron series by Ool, see `red_baron' for more!)

Red Baron No. 108

                  | \      __/       ^^  ^ ^   *Lamb  ^ ^^^^^^^  |   |
                  /  \----'           ^   ^ ^  |    ^^^^^^^^^ \   \   \
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                 )      \___,.___,--._^^^^^^   /    ______     ,-'
                |        `._          `  ^^   /   ,',,    `.  '        _
  ____          / _,__      *Touine           \  /(((()-, (\\    ,---.(
      `v^-.____/-'    `.     `-'_  _        `-| /\(\-/)/  (. \__/     `"
                       |     _   `' `-   __    /| (. .)    ).|aughty
   ________________________            ,-  `-. ||  ).(    (`v|
  |                        |   ^^     /        |\ (`v')    \|/
  |  The year is 1917.     |  ^^^^^  |         \ \ \|/      /
  |  All of France is--    |  ^^^^^   \         \ `.______,'\
  |  Ooh, topless chicks!  |  ^^     ."          `._____,'\  \
  |________________________|  ^^      )                    \  \

          Wysiwyg,*  .   Temps    ,'           /       ^^_
          _,---./     `.'.---.  _(           ,-`      /<\##-.
         )           BRITNEY  `'`--.       _(_  ,--.  `=/-####.
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     ,' `--._ Cellulites   _,-       `.      /  /              ,'   |
      )_,    |         ,'  \           \_   /  /              /   __/
         `-.           |  _|    Organs     / ,'               |  /    _,
            V_         |/'       ,* \     / / `.     <       /  ." _,'
              (_-.__.__|_   ___,'    \/  / /  *Alamo _)      |   `'
               .)  \     `-<      .__|  / /        ,'        | _
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                   < `.__/       /| /\      \  |        ^^\^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
                   /    `     _           ^    \.~. /  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ \ ^^
                  | \      __/       ^^  ^ ^   *Lamb  ^ ^^^^^^^  |   |
                  /  \----'           ^   ^ ^  |    ^^^^^^^^^ \   \   \
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                 )      \___,.___,--._^^^^^^   /  ^^^^^^^^^ /  ,-'
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      `v^-.____/-'    `.     `-'_  _        `-|     ^  ^^ ^ ^ __/     `"
   ________________________________  -   __   | ,         _,*Naughty
  |                                |   ,-  `-.\/(       ,'
  |  Um, where was I?  Oh, right!  |  /          `--.__/
  |  1917!  All of France is       | |
  |  occupied by the Germans.*     |  \
  |  ALL?  Not quite!  ...         | ."    *You want historical accuracy
  |________________________________|  )     you draw your own cartoon!!!

                  | \      __/       ^^  ^ ^   *Lamb  ^ ^^^^^^^  |   |
                  /  \----'           ^   ^ ^  |    ^^^^^^^^^ \   \   \
                 _>   \_,---'`--         ______      ^^^^^^^ ,'--._\--'-
                 )      \___,.___,--.  ,'      `.    ^^^^^^ /  ,-'
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      `v^-.____/-'    `.            /| __  Z   __ |    ^^ ^ ^ __/     `"
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                ^   ^^   __| \/\/  \/|   ,/  ! .  /     ,'
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   _____________________\  EEEAAAA-  `' /______,'\
  |                     / AAAGGGHHH!!! /.____,'\  \
  |  A village inhabite/__            _\        \  \
  |_______________________|   /|/| /\|           \  \
                          |/\/ ' |/

          Wysiwyg,*  .   Temps    ,'           /
          _,---./     `.'.---.  _(           ,-`
         )           BRITNEY  `'`--.       _(_  ,--.
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     ,' `--._ Cellulites   _,-       `.      /  /              ,'   |
      )_,    |         ,'  \           \_   /  /              /   __/
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                 )      \___,.___,--._(######  /  ^^^^^^^^^ /  ,-'
                |        `._          ## #### /  ^^^^^^^^^^^ ,'        _
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      `v^-.____/-'    `.     `-'_  _ ##    ###|     ^  ^^ ^ ^ __/     `"
                       |     _   `' `-#    ###| ,         _,*Naughty
   ____________________________        ## ##-.\/(       ,'
  |                            |      / ##       `--.__/
  |  Ummm!  The year is 1917.  |  ^  |
  |  ALL of France is          |  ^   \
  |  occupied by the Germans.  |     ."
  |____________________________|      )

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ASCII Character Codes:

a = ASCII 97

s = ASCII 115

t = ASCII 116

e = ASCII 101

r = ASCII 114

i = ASCII 105

x = ASCII 120


A = ASCII 65

S = ASCII 83

T = ASCII 84

E = ASCII 69

R = ASCII 82

I = ASCII 73

X = ASCII 88