,-^-. |\/\| `-V-' H H itz H .-;":-. ,'| `; \ _-^-_ _-','\ ~=_ _-' ,' `. `-_ !`-_.;_______:.-'::: ! /\ /\:::: | / \ /..\::: ! / \ /....\:: !/ \ /......\: :--.___..\/_.__.--;; `-_ `!;;;;;;;' `-_ !;;;'' `-.!' (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) wfct (=) (=) <+> '/V\` ' / \ ` ' / \ ` ' / \ ` ,' / \ `. \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / ` | | ' | | ` ' From: Ben Norwood On Thursday, Krogg wrote: : <"> I am an ascii : _T_ virus,please : /Y\ Copy me. And here's it's big brother: . ,'/ \`. |\/___\/| \'\ /`/ `.\ /,' | | |=| /\ ,|=|. /\ ,'`. \/ |=| \/ ,'`. ,' `.|\ `-' /|,' `. ,' .-._ \ `---' / _,-. `. ,' `-`-._,-'-' `. ' ` T-series bacteriophage This 'phage is a virus that only attacks bacteria (a particular delicacy of this series is _Eschericha coli_ ), and is certainly one of the more sophisticated viruses. Upon contact with its host, the tube ( |=| ) contracts, thus pushing the main shaft into the host. The virus's DNA then travels from the head down the tube and into the host, whereby it utilises the host's own DNA/protein manufacturing machinery to make multiple copies of itself. Eventually, when the cell has made as many copies of the 'phage as it can, the 'phage orders the cell to lyse (break apart), thus releasing multiple copies of the 'phage. Since viruses cannot reproduce by themselves (they have to hijack a cell to do so), grow, respire, excrete or feed, they are generally considered to be just a sophisticated bunch of molecules and NOT a form of life.
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ASCII Character Codes:
b = ASCII 98
a = ASCII 97
c = ASCII 99
t = ASCII 116
e = ASCII 101
r = ASCII 114
i = ASCII 105
o = ASCII 111
p = ASCII 112
h = ASCII 104
a = ASCII 97
g = ASCII 103
e = ASCII 101
B = ASCII 66
A = ASCII 65
C = ASCII 67
T = ASCII 84
E = ASCII 69
R = ASCII 82
I = ASCII 73
O = ASCII 79
P = ASCII 80
H = ASCII 72
A = ASCII 65
G = ASCII 71
E = ASCII 69