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From : Krogg

 /In the begining there wasnt much.
 | Then bang,shit started flying out from a tiny point in an explosion
 |that few have *really* pondered the power of.
 |                     A
 |                   \ | /
 |                    \|/
 |              <------.------>
 |                    /|\
 |                   / | \
 |                     V
 |gazillions and gazilions of subatomic particles in a highenergy plasma
 |floodded outward and began to cool.Hydrogen began to form in this soup
 |of protons,neutrons,electrons and stuff
 |              .
 |                  Oo
 |large clouds of hydrogen began to condense into stars,gravity crushes
 |the atoms togather,heat is produced,great pressure forces the hydrogen
 |to combine into helium and release even more energry feuling the fires
 |of these early stars.
 |    \    /
 |     \OO/
 |      (>)---(wheeee)
 |      / \           \    /
 |     /   \           \OO/   (woo hooo)
 |                      (>)--'
 |                      / \
 |                     /   \
 |\    /
 | \OO/
 |  (>)---(is it just me or is it hot in here?)
 |  / \                    |
 | /   \                   |
 |                (and crowded too!!!!!)
 |the added pressure causes even larger atoms to form.them boooooooom
 |maybe 10 billions years later many of these early stars blow to hell,
 |sending large more comlpex atoms flying through the universe.
 |                   \       /
 |                    \     /
 |          ((---(----booooom----)---))
 |                    /     \
 |                   /       \
 |these atoms condense into cloudes and form galaxies and stars and
 |planets.Somewhere in all this,the earth forms and is very hostile,hot
 |and no one wants to live there.Then all these atoms start forming
 |molecules and reacting.After ages,some of these molecules group
 |forming self organizing and replicating groups.It isnt tooooooo long
 |and early cells form and thrive in the hostile environment that the
 |earth provides.A very successfull cell that relys on dna protiens to
 |spreads wildly and sometimes it mutates and better cells are
 |formed,sometimes bad ones form and they dissapear.only the ones good at
 |replicating live to pass on thier properties to offspring.As time
 |passes more kinds of cells come and go,and more complex cells and even
 |groups of cells working togather become more popular.Small animals and
 |plants,finaly develope.this competitive game of replication and
 |mutation,that even still exists today in our modern spaceage
 |world,continues turning out new spiecies and one day we find our
 |primitive selves wondering around eating worms and making fire.We
 |humans have very powerfull brains and we start using them to make life
 |easier.we learn to grow food and hunt animals with weapons.We learn
 |about resources and how to use them.We also learn how to keep others
 |away from our resources.We learn how to cooperate and farm in
 |villages,we learn to communicate.We still dont know much about the
 |universe so we make stuff up so when kids ask why,we wont look
 |dumb,looking dumb might mean no nookie so we dont want that.Soon we
 |start blaming everything on "gods",cause we cant figureout anything
 |else to explain whats going on,and well,kids will believe anything.Soon
 |these thoeries about gods become very usefull for controling groups of
 |believers.there are penalties for dissobeying gods and rewards for
 |obeying gods.Men use these beliefs to keep women subserviant and
 |leaders use them to keep men
 |in fear and control.Men figure out how to write and make books full of
 |the "Rules that we,uh i mean,god wants you to follow."Non believers are
 |lovingly killed for thier own good.kings are happy,some kings rewrite
 |the books to include more convient rules or to exclude unconvient
 |Then this Jesus dude comes in and starts ruining all these books,At
 |least for the Jewish religions now more or less Christians,and does
 |that piss kings and tax collectors off.Jesus starts telling people that
 |they can find happyness in thier hearts and not in books of
 |otherpeoples laws.He tells everybody how they can be free and at the
 |sametime lead a moral,happy,productive life with out the need to be
 |slave to the wrote wills of other men.But,Jesus was killed and the
 |books rewritten even more to make it seem as if he was really saying
 |one thing when he was saying another.They make him the son of god and
 |stick words in his mouth.They nail him to a cross and use him to pass
 |even more propaganda around.Its been 2000 years since and I would
 |say,They have won so far.But aslong as people keep getting smarter and/
 |understanding the truth about the universe things just have to get /""
 |better.                                                           /
  /"\"""""""""""""""""""""""\   The end./"o"""""""""""""""""""""""""
 (o o)                       \_________/O
  \"/ \ ____________________   _  /"\ o
  | |  (If snakes could talk) / \(o o)
  | |   (They probly wouldnt) | | \"/ \
  | |    (waste thier time)   | | | |  \ _______
  | |    (trying to get you)  | | | |   (I agree)
  | |     (to eat apples)     | | | |    """""""
  | |      """""""""""""      | | | |
   \ \_______________________/ /  | |
    \_________________________/  / /
     ___________________________/ /

 __                                            __
 ||  _______________________________________   ||
 || {                                          ||
 || {        //////\\            ////\\\\      ||
 || {       /        \          ((((( ))))     ||
 || {      _|  _   _ |_       (( /\   /\ ))    ||
 || {     |.|-(.)-(.)+.        (|_O| |O_|)     ||
 || {      \|    J   |/      (((    ^    )))   ||
 || {       \   ---  /           \  V  /       ||
 || ____nn__ \      / _nn____uu__ |   | __uu__ ||
 ||{          "####"                            )
 ||{                                             \
 || .
 ||  .                                              \
 ||   .
 ||\   .                       .  '                     \
 ~~ \   .                       * >
     \   .                 ,__./                            \
      \   .               /    \
       \   .             | BOMB |                              \
        \   .             \____/
         \   .                                                    \
          \   .
           \   .                                                     \
            \   .
             \   .                                                      \
              \  (                                                       )
               \ (_______________________________________________________)
                \ |                                                      |
                    || |                                           || |
                    || |                                           || |
                     `~~                                            `~~
                                 Waiting for the Big Bang !

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ASCII Character Codes:

b = ASCII 98

i = ASCII 105

g = ASCII 103

b = ASCII 98

a = ASCII 97

n = ASCII 110

g = ASCII 103


B = ASCII 66

I = ASCII 73

G = ASCII 71

B = ASCII 66

A = ASCII 65

N = ASCII 78

G = ASCII 71