Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

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 |________,'       -Shimrod      |/

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|               .'_|_|_|_;     -Shimrod      | /
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                                      /) (\     *happy sigh*
                                     ((,,,))   /
  I've always been addicted       (((  ^ ^  )))
  To chocolate in all forms       ))))  -   ((((
  I know  it's really wicked but (()(\ )-( /))()
  I've fallen for  its charms    ))))/`-\~\'((((
                                 ((( \/==\_\ <---- cadbury's
                                         {  `.
                                          `-j \
|\__/  \__/|
|__________|              I just can't get my fill of
 )        (               That sweetly sticky stuff
(    .     )<--flump's    It makes me go all flabby but
|`--------'|choccy belly  I just can't get enough
|-'  L   `-|
                                   _____________,-,_ _     _
See, when outside it's freezing   |____        { {]_]_]   [_]
And inside you're all blue        |___ `-----.__\ \_]_]_    . `
When the day won't go your way    |   `-----.____} }]_]_]_   ,
Only chocolate will do            |_____________/ {_]_]_]_] , `
      |.---------.|                         _      _
      ||         ||          ______      {>|_|<}   )\
      ||_________||         (_____()8oo.          (__)
      ;-----------;      I've tried all sorts of chocolate
    .':O8OoOo8oo.'|      White, and milk and plain -
  .';OoO8oO8oo.' /       From every place and country -
  |"""""""""""| /        Belgian, Swiss and Mayan.
                                         ( ) ;
And then there's chocolate coatings     ;)( ;
On nuts and creams and fudge           :----:     o8Oo./
Not to mention cocoa pops             C|====| ._o8o8o8Oo_.
And sweet hot chocolate sludge         |    |  \========/
                                       `----'   `------'
| /      j
|/      /_\       If it's chocolate I'll eat it
|      |"""|      It gives me such a buzz
|      |---|       There is no drug to beat it
|      `-.-'<-.   Would I take it if there was?
|         )   |
|        (   cocoa infusion

                               `.   ` \/ !  \/ , .'
I fear that this addiction           >  _    _   <-
Is never going to stop           - >   |_)_ |_)|   < -
I eat so many choccies            _ > .| (_)|  o. <-
That one day I'm going to pop!      '            \ ` _
                                    ' >  /\  > /\ .
                                        .'   !    :      `
           .' _  \
         ,'  (_)  \_
     _.-|`-._      \""--._
   .' .-(=._ `-._   \""-. `.   What I need is exercise
  /  /  |   `=.  `-._\   \  \   And something that will take
 |  |    `-._  `=._  | .  |  |My mind off all these thoughts of chocs
  \  \  ;' .,`--._ `=| ' /  /  And 'Death By Chocolate Cake'.....

                                        .-.     .-.
                                 ,ooO()/   )   (   \()Ooo.   _____
..Something just as satisfying  |   ) |  (     )  | (   |  <_____>
That burns off calories too....  |  (  |   \   /   |  )  | /  ___  \
A comfy bed - and nutella spread \   ) \_ __) (__ _/ (   / |-'   `-|
And a chocolate coated you!       `-'  .ooO() ()Ooo.  `-'  |nutella|

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ASCII Character Codes:

c = ASCII 99

h = ASCII 104

o = ASCII 111

c = ASCII 99

o = ASCII 111

l = ASCII 108

a = ASCII 97

t = ASCII 116

e = ASCII 101


C = ASCII 67

H = ASCII 72

O = ASCII 79

C = ASCII 67

O = ASCII 79

L = ASCII 76

A = ASCII 65

T = ASCII 84

E = ASCII 69