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-------------------------------------------- Play Cricket ----------------

From: Harish Y S 

 Bowler         Batsman        Wicket-Keeper     Fielder

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From: Ganesh

They belong to a Cricket FAQ available at http://go.to/rsc-faq
Help with the FAQ itself also eagerly solicited! ;-)

                For a Right Handed Batsman(RHB)

                          | | |         stance of a right-hander
                          | | |       /
              offside<----| | |     /
                          | |||  |/
                             |   |--->legside
                           --' --'    or onside

                 For a Left Handed Batsman(LHB)

                           |  |  |        stance of a left-hander
                           |  |  |     /
                           |  |  |---/-------->offside
                         | | ||  | /
          legside<-------|   |   /
          or onside      `-- `--

FIElDING Positions

                      *   *    *  | *         wider<--------.
                *   \             |      *                   \
            *         \    cover  |          *                \
        *               \        p|          3rd*              \
      *           off     \       | gully     man *             |
     *                      \     |                 *           |
    *                  ||-----\---||                 *          V
    *------------------||       \ ||wk---------------*          finer
    *                  ||------/--||                 *
     *                       /    |                 *           finer
      *           on       / mid- |      leg       *            ^
        *                / wicket |              *              |
           *           /          |          *                  |
                *    /            |      *                     /
                   / *    *    *  | *                        /
                       forward<---|--->backward     wider<--'


 /                "off side"                     \  1 1st slip
|                                                 |  2 2nd slip
|  l-              cv    cp                 3m    |  3 3rd slip
|            ec              p  g                 |  4 4th slip
|                                  4              |  5 leg slip
|               m-                  3             |  cv cover
|                                    2            |  p point
|                            s       1            |  g gully
|           B->>     ||-------||   Wk             |  f forward -
|                   U||-------||                  |    short leg
|                            f    5               |  s silly point
|                                           fine  |  dl deep fine/
|               m+                            |   |     square leg
|                                             |   |  3m 3rd man
|  l+                   mw                   dl   |  l+ long on
|                            sl              /    |  l- long off
|                            U              /     |  mw mid-wicket
|                                         square  |  sl square leg
|            "leg side"                           |  m+ mid on
|                                                 |  m- mid off
`\           field positions for RHB X           /'  cp cover-point

[3.3] Why do batsmen make those marks in the crease?

                          |           |
                          |           |
                          |           |
                          |           |
                          |           o<---- off stump (of RHB)
                          |           |
                       3 ---          o<---- middle stump
  ---->>ball           2 ---          |
                       1 ---          o<---- leg stump
                     /    |           |
                   /      |           |
                 /        |           |
               /          |           |<----- Bowling crease
             /            |-----------------------
            Guard chosen  |
                          |<----- Popping crease

1 - leg
2 - middle and leg
3 - middle stump

       /                         |                     |   |
     /   /                     | `------               |   |
  \/   /<---- Open stance      `------       -->>ball  |   |
    \/                            ^                    |   |
                                  |                    |---------
                                  |                    |
                                   Closed stance

[5.1] When is a batsman out LBW?

          |  |  |
          |  |  |
off <-----|  |  |----> leg stump(for a right-hander)
stump   --|--|--|--
       |           |
       |  |     |  |
       |  |     |  |
       |A |  B  |C |
       |  |     |  |
       |  |     |  |

A = Outside off stump
B = In-line with the stumps
C = Outside legstump

[5.3] Crease marks defined.

       |                             |<----- Popping crease
-------|                             |-------
   |   |                             |   |
   |   |                             |   |<---- Bowling crease
   |   |                             |   |
   |   |                             |   |
-------|                             |-------<--- Return crease
       |                             |

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ASCII Character Codes:

c = ASCII 99

r = ASCII 114

i = ASCII 105

c = ASCII 99

k = ASCII 107

e = ASCII 101

t = ASCII 116


C = ASCII 67

R = ASCII 82

I = ASCII 73

C = ASCII 67

K = ASCII 75

E = ASCII 69

T = ASCII 84