Ascii Drawers by Felix Lee : I couldn't decide what this person meant, so I made a couple of different ascii drawers. He's probably looking for a person who can draw ascii, but I don't have any pictures of those. Any more ascii drawers out there? / / /____________________ |________ __________ /_____ /|| | |".___."| || | |_______|/ | | || .___."|| / ||_______|| / |_________|/ ,==========, | | | | `-./ \.-' `.__.' \/| /"" ;,_ _________ oo _. //..___.._ |,-------- `-' `//========================= `'\ | || |//-----'\ ( || ,d88b, // ||| `|_888888 \\_ ||| 888888 '-\/ '/_( `Y88P' ,ad888a, ,d888888b, 888P""Y888 888 888 WWW WWW -_ _ - ___ -- -/ - - - ___ ___ / _ \ -__ \ -__|_ _|_ _| | |_| \___ \ | | | | | | _ |___) | |___ | | | | |_| |_|____/ \____|___|___| ,d88888]] - _ _ - ___ ____ ___ ___ ,8888P88]] / - |/ ___| / ___|_ _|_ _| 8888( \ / _ | \___ \| | | | | | `8888888]] \ _ |- __) | |___ | | | | `Y88888]] | _/ |_\ ____/ \____|___|___|
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ASCII Character Codes:
d = ASCII 100
r = ASCII 114
a = ASCII 97
w = ASCII 119
e = ASCII 101
r = ASCII 114
D = ASCII 68
R = ASCII 82
A = ASCII 65
W = ASCII 87
E = ASCII 69
R = ASCII 82