See 'cartoon' for more ! _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* ((()) (((())) "Awright! It's ( o o ) time for chris'mas _\ - /_ dinner!" / \\_// \ \ / (_ _) \ \ ))) \ /~~~~~\ / ( oo ___/_______\________ ______ \o/ _____|\\ \____jro // \\ ||\\ ____ \ \\_// || \\ |____| \ //\\ || \\ /|____|\ \ (_)(_) || \\ \______/ \ happyholidayshappyholidayshappyholidayshappyholidays happyholidayshappyholidayshappyholidayshappyholidays _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* "Not so fast, young man! You march back and wash those hands, ((()) first!" \ (((())) () ( o o ) \_ _\ o /_ ( \ / \\_// \ \ \ (_ _) \ ))) \ //~~~~~\ / ( oo ___/_______\________ ______ \-/______|\\ \____jro // \ ||\\ ____ \ \\_| || \\ |____| \ //\\ || \\ /|____|\ \ (_)(_) || \\ \______/ \ merrychristmasmerrychristmasmerrychristmasmerrychristmas merrychristmasmerrychristmasmerrychristmasmerrychristmas | | | | | | | | | | | | ()| | | | "Yea, yea, Gran'ma! | | | I don't unnerstand | | / none of it!" |_|___ ((( __| | ()))) \ | | \_/ \ | | // \\ \ | | \\_// \ | | //\\ \ | | (_)(_) \|_______jro happynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyear happynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyearhappynewyear | | | | | | | | "Jesus, germs, an' Santa | | Claus... I've never seen | | / any of 'em." | | ))) | | (((()/) | | \_/// | | | | // / | | | | \\_/ | | | | ||| | | |_|_(_(_)___|___| \ \ jro thatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsall thatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsall
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ASCII Character Codes:
e = ASCII 101
d = ASCII 100
u = ASCII 117
c = ASCII 99
a = ASCII 97
t = ASCII 116
i = ASCII 105
o = ASCII 111
n = ASCII 110
E = ASCII 69
D = ASCII 68
U = ASCII 85
C = ASCII 67
A = ASCII 65
T = ASCII 84
I = ASCII 73
O = ASCII 79
N = ASCII 78