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The Almost Complete Collection of Smilies

          ___       __     __    ___          ___  _______    ___
        /     \ \ /    \ /    \   |  |         |  |         /     \
       |         |      |      |  |  |         |  |        |
        \ ___    |      |      |  |  |         |  |_______  \ ___
              \  |             |  |  |         |  |               \
               | |             |  |  |         |  |                |
        \ ___ /  |             | _|_ |_______ _|_ |_______  \ ___ /

                          ( E m o t i c o n s )

                             Version 1.003
                            By Era/\/ Laha\/


                Sideways smily face                  =-)

                Just won the lottery                 $-)

                Laughing                             :-D

                Simple smilie                        :-)

                Winking smilie                       ;-)

                Alternate happy face                 :->


                Frown                                :-(

                Yelling                              :-(O)

                Crying                               :'-(

                Real unhappy                         :-c

                Forlorn                              :-<

                             Other Emotions

                Sticking out tongue                  :-P

                Dead face                            :-|

                Poker face                           :-I

                Amazed                               :-<>

                Shocked                              :-( )

                Perplexed                            :-&

                Bored                                :-o zz z z Z  Z

                Thinking                             :-\

                Unbelieving (jaw dropped)            :-C

                "Oh, nooooooo!"                      :-o

                              Turned Faces

                Turned face                          :^U

                Turned poker face                    :^Y

                Bleahhh (sticking tongue out)        :^r

                Turned smiling face                  :^y

                Turned face with tongue out          :^W

                Pursing lips                         :^"

                            Different noses

                Smilie without a nose                :)

                Smilie with a piggy nose             :@)

                Smilie with a bent nose              :^)

                Smilie with a nose of a clown        :*)

                            Different lips

                Kiss                                 :-*

                Lips are sealed                      :-X

                Robot face                           :-[]

                Smilie with a curly smile            :-}

                Smilie with straight smile Ver. 1    :->

                Smilie with straight smile Ver. 2    :-]

                Count Dracula                        :-[

                Censored                             :-#

                Smoking                              :-i

                Smoking and smiling                  :-j

                Tongue-in-cheek comments             :-J

                Smilie with braces                   :-[#]

                Sick smilie                          :-S

                             Different Eyes

                Bug-eyed smilie                      8-)

                Pirate                               P-)

                Black-eyed face                      !-(

                Smilie with glasses                  B-)

                Cyclops smilie                       0-)

                Artistic face                        %)

                Late night messages                  |-(


                Smilie with a moutashe               :-{)

                Smilie with hair                     {:-)

                Wearing a walkman                    [:-)

                Smilie with a graduation hat         K:-)

                Smilie with a cap                    d:-)

                Smilie with a bowler hat             C|:-)

                Smilie with a nurse hat              ]:-)

                Smilie with a skull-cap              (:-)
                (or a bicycle helmet)

                Smilie with a fur hat                #:-)

                Smilie with hat and pom-pom          *<:-)
                (cold weather smilie)

                Smilie with beard                    :-)=

                Uncle Sam                            =|:-)=

                Smilie with curly hair               &:-)

                Smilie with wavy hair                @:-)

                Monk / Nun                           +<:-|

                Angel smiley                         0:-)

                Smiley smokes a pipe                 :-?

                Bow tie-wearing smiley               :-}X

                Mustache                             :-{

                Orangutan smiley                     :=)

                Smiley just back from the hairdresser@:-}

                Chef smiley                          C=:-)

                Little kid with a propeller beanie   X:-)

                Smiley wearing a walkman             [:-

                Mickey Mouse                         8(:-)

                You lie like pinnochio               :----}

                Woman smilie                         :-)3
 Large Emoticon

 ~  ~


:   :
:___:   Laura Logan

 "  "
 ~  ~
 /__/    Laura Logan
              This page was updated on the 18th of April, 1997
                        The Great Ascii Art Library 

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ASCII Character Codes:

e = ASCII 101

m = ASCII 109

o = ASCII 111

t = ASCII 116

i = ASCII 105

c = ASCII 99

o = ASCII 111

n = ASCII 110


E = ASCII 69

M = ASCII 77

O = ASCII 79

T = ASCII 84

I = ASCII 73

C = ASCII 67

O = ASCII 79

N = ASCII 78