Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

eyeball in a glass

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From: spunk1111@aol.com (Spunk1111)

     ___                                             \--/
   .'   `"-._        Since this is the time       /`-'  '-`\
  / ,        `'-_.-.     for goblins and bats,   /          \
 / /`'.       ,' _  |                           /.'|/\  /\|'.\
`-'    `-.  ,' ,'\\/                                  \/
          \, ,'  ee`-.         Halloween spirits and
          / ./  ,(_   \      ,     ghosts and cats,
         (_/\\\ \__|`--'     ||
         ///\\|     \        ||
         ////||-./`-.}    .--||       Weird happenings and
            /     `-.__.-`_.-.|           witches brew,
            |      '._,-'`|___}    `;
            /   '.        |/ || ,;'`
            |     '.__,.-`   || ':,    These are the things
            |       |        || ,;'      I wish for you:
            /       /     _,.||oOoO.,_
           |        |     \-.O,o_O..-/
          /         /     /          \   May the only ghost
         |         /     /            \  that comes to stay,
         |         |    |      ,       |
         /         |    \   ) (     )  /   Be the Holy Ghost
   jgs  |           \   ,'.(:, ),: (_.'.   to guide your way.
       /            /'.' ="`""="="=="= '.
      `'"---'-.__.'"""`    ` "" "" `""            ,,
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    /    /  May the only spirit     ,\\\///,   \\\\//// ,\\//,
   |    /     you chance to meet,   \\\\////    \\\/// ,\\\///,
/'.\   (_.'\                         \\\///     ###### \\\\////
\          /                         ######    ////\\\\ \\\///
 '--. .---'  Be the spirit of love  ////\\\\  /////\\\\\######
   ( " )  and warm friends sweet,  /////\\\\\//////\\\\////\\\\
    '-'                           //////\\\\\\/,///\\\/////\\\\\
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( \       May the only tricks         .'`---`'.    _j_/////\\\\\(_)
 ) )                you are          /.'a   a  \.'`---`'.  jgs
( (  .-""-.  A.-.A    asked to do,   |:   ^    /.'d\ /b  \
 \ \/      \/ , , \                  \'  www   |:   ^    |
  \   \    =;  t  /=                  '._____.'\'  VVV   /
   \   |"".  ',--'     Be the trick             '._____.'
    / //  | ||            of getting
   /_,))  |_,))              a friend or two.

||___|________|__|______|_______|      ||
||   |__________________|
||            \    \       "Boo! Trick or Treat!"
||_____________\____\________ /________  __
|| \\\\                      /         ||
|| ( oo              _  .--.  _        ||
||  \-/ _____ \:::/ ( \/ oo \/ ) ______||____
|| // \   *   %%%oo  \        /        ||
|| \\_|    \  %%%-/   \      /         ||
||_(|||_____\//___\____|    |__________||
/            \)//\\    |____|            \
JRO           (_)(_)   (_)(_)


 "This buisness issnt goin'
     too well for me."
        \                      ////
         \            .--.     oo )
           \::::/     oo  \    \-/
            oo%%%  * /    |    / \\
__________  \-%%% /__|    |____|_//_________
            /__\\/   |    |    //\\
            //\\\)   |____|    \\ \\
JRO        (_)(_)    (_)(_)    (_)(_)


      "Listen, Sissy, you say "Trick or Treat"
       when the people come to the door, and then
       they give you candy. You save those eggs
       to throw at their house, ONLY if no one
       answers -- not WHEN, for cripes' sake!"
                      \        ////
                      .--.     oo )
           \::::/     oo  \    \-/
            oo%%%  * /    |    / \\
__________  \-%%% /__|    |____|_//_________
            /__\\/   |    |    //\\
            //\\\)   |____|    \\ \\
JRO        (_)(_)    (_)(_)    (_)(_)


       "To tell the truth, Billy, I kind of like
        the way she's been doing it... I thought
        that last guy was going to blow an artery
        or something! Did you see his face? And
        I never heard some of those words used
         before, except in an R-rated movie!"
 _______________________ \      _________
                           \\\\         /
                  .--.     (///)       /
      \::::/     /    \     \_/       /
  *   %%%%%%    /      \   // \\     /
   \  /%%%%\    \      /   \\_//    /
    \(/____\)    |    |     //\\   /
       //\\      |____|    // //  /
      (_)(_)     (_)(_)   (_)(_) /
JRO                            /


(see 'cartoon' for more!)


                    /( o\
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     >>>>==(_(__u---(___ )-----

 - Neil Smith

From: Joan Stark 

Just in time for October 31st... care for a
"Halloweenie" then?  :)

      .-'              `-.
      (     b o o !      )
jgs  ( `----------------' )

From: Joan Stark
            _ _____   ____                           __
           / |___ /  |  _ \  __ _ _   _ ___    ___  / _|
           | | |_ \  | | | |/ _` | | | / __|  / _ \| |_
           | |___) | | |_| | (_| | |_| \__ \ | (_) |  _|
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           | |_| |/ _` | | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \/ _ \ '_ \
           |  _  | (_| | | | (_) \ V  V /  __/  __/ | | |
           |_| |_|\__,_|_|_|\___/ \_/\_/ \___|\___|_| |_|

                    On the first day of Halloween
         my mailman brought to me -- a vulture in a dead tree

                      .--. .-,       .-..-.__
                    .'(`.-` \_.-'-./`  |\_( "\__
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            '` .-''. \|:  \.'   __, .-'"`
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                      |:    |                .' _     _ `.
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                    .jgs. : ;                |           |
            -."-/\\\/:::.    `\."-._'."-"_\\-|           |///."-
            " -."-.\\"-."//.-".`-."_\\-.".-\\`=.........=`//-".

                     On the second day of Halloween
            my mailman brought to me -- two demented demons

                                            ,   ,
             ,    ,    /\   /\             /(   )\
            /( /\ )\  _\ \_/ /_            \ \_/ /   , /\ ,
            |\_||_/| < \_   _/ >           /_   _\  /| || |\
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           '-..-'    (_ o _)  )  .---.  |===|    (_ /\ _)
                      |===|  (  /     \ '---'     |mmmm|
                  jgs '---'     |{\ /}|           '-..-'
                                (_ V _)

                     On the eighth day of Halloween,
           my mailman brought to me -- eight bats a-flying

         =/\                 /\=
         / \'._   (\_/)   _.'/ \       (_                   _)
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       /.' _/ |`'=/ " \='`| \_ `.\     / \'._   (\_/)   _.'/ \
      /` .' `\;-,'\___/',-;/` '. '\   /_.''._'--('.')--'_.''._\
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                  "   "               \/  `\__|`\___/`|__/`  \/
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                /_.-'      "      `-._\     /.-.-.\ /.-.-.\
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      | \_ / `;=/ " \=;` \ _/ |          / .''._'--(e.e)--'_.''. \
       \/ `\__|`\___/`|__/` \/          /.' _/ |`'=/ " \='`| \_ `.\
        `      \(/|\)/      `          /` .' `\;-,'\___/',-;/` '. '\
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            ,   ,_,   ,               `            "   "            `
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          `     `V`     `     / | \`-'/ \'-`/ | \
                             /__|.-'`-\ /-`'-.|__\
                            `          "          `

                    On the ninth day of Halloween,
           my mailman brought to me -- nine pumpkins smiling

                              /\              )\
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                )\_      .-'._'-'_.'-.    /  ^  ^  \
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        '._____.'\' 'vvv'  / / :_/_:  A  :_\_: \   /   ^.^   \
                  '.__.__.' | :   \'=...='/   : |  \  `===`  /
               jgs           \ :  :'.___.':  : /    `-------`

                      On the tenth day of Halloween,
             my mailman brought to me -- ten witches haunting

           .:::::.   _.-'                      '-._
       .::::::::::::::::'   ^^      ,              '-.
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           \       \__\       ,    =='/ <===<<<        ``   /
            \        ``     _/(_      \__\                 / .::::.
             \              {\\         ``         .:::::::.::::::::..
              '.    ^^      /;_)        .::::..   :::::::::::::''::::::'
                '.       =='/ <===<<< .:::::::::.::::::::::::'    `'`
                  '-._      \__\     .:'   `'::::::::::::'
                      '-.__   ``             __.-''jgs:'

                   On the eleventh day of Halloween,
         my mailman brought to me -- eleven reapers reaping

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       /     |   |     /     |   |     /     |   |     /     |   |
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    /         \  |  /         \  |  /         \  |  /         \  |
   (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  /

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       /     |   |     /     |   |     /     |   |     /     |   |
 jgs .'      |   |   .'      |   |   .'      |   |   .'      |   |
    /         \  |  /         \  |  /         \  |  /         \  |
   (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  / (_.-.__.__./  /

                   On the twelfth day of Halloween,
         my mailman brought to me -- twelve spiders spinning
           /      \         __      _\( )/_
        \  \  ,,  /  /   | /  \ |    /(O)\
         '-.`\()/`.-'   \_\\  //_/    _.._   _\(o)/_  //  \\
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       / /` /`""`\ `\ \   \\  //   /   __   \       / //  \\ \
        |  |  ><  |  |          ,  |   ><   |  ,     | \__/ |
        \  \      /  /         . \  \      /  / .              _
       _    '.__.'    _\(O)/_   \_'--`(  )'--'_/     __     _\(_)/_
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     /(O)\  //  \\         _     /  /` '' `\  \  \_\\  //_/
           _\\()//_     _\(_)/_    |        |      //()\\
     jgs  / //  \\ \     /(o)\      \      /       \\  //
           | \__/ |

                 On the thirteenth day of Halloween,
              Before this could happen..........I Moved!
            __   __
           |  |_|  |______ _,___ _,___ _   _         \--/
           |   _   |__    |  __ |  __ | |_| |     /`-'  '-`\
           |__| |__|__-_,_| ,___| ,___|___, |    /          \
                          |_|   |_|       |_|   /.'|/\  /\|'.\
         __   __        _ _                           \/
        |  |_|  |______| | |______ __ _ __ ______ ______ _,____
        |   _   |__    | | |  __  |  | |  |  --__|  --__|  __  \
        |__| |__|__-_,_|_|_|______|_______|______|______|_|  |_|

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ASCII Character Codes:

h = ASCII 104

a = ASCII 97

l = ASCII 108

l = ASCII 108

o = ASCII 111

w = ASCII 119

e = ASCII 101

e = ASCII 101

n = ASCII 110


H = ASCII 72

A = ASCII 65

L = ASCII 76

L = ASCII 76

O = ASCII 79

W = ASCII 87

E = ASCII 69

E = ASCII 69

N = ASCII 78