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Hamlet Act III sc IV

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... later ejm wrote her picture :

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             /     ha
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  ejm   /\/>^^ \        It's okay, Colin. You're not the only one who
                       couldn't see that it is Hamlet gesticulating at
                      the portrait of his dead father while he shouts
                     at Queen Gertrude who is in her bedchamber. That's
                    Polonius (fully clothed, of course) who is standing
                   at the curtain. (Hamlet Act III sc IV)

   Hamlet Ascii by jim
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   Alas, poor Yorrick!

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ASCII Character Codes:

h = ASCII 104

a = ASCII 97

m = ASCII 109

l = ASCII 108

e = ASCII 101

t = ASCII 116


H = ASCII 72

A = ASCII 65

M = ASCII 77

L = ASCII 76

E = ASCII 69

T = ASCII 84