Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See `korean' for more!

From: SkyPhydeaux 

Lesson I: The non-aspirated (not said with a puff of air) consonants.

The arrows indicate the direction of the brush, the numbers indicate which

    Enlarged                    |   Pronounciation   | mini- |
                                |                    | ascii |
   ________________________     |                    |       |
  d888888888888888888888888b    |   Between a 'Gah'  |       |
  Y88888888888888888888888888   |    and a 'Kah'     |       |
                       d8888P   |                    |       |
     -1--------,      d8888P    | The back of the    |       |
              /      d8888P     | tongue lightly     |  -,   |
             /     _d888P`      | touches the back   |       |
           L`    _d8888P        | of the roof of the |       |
               _d88888P         | mouth.             |       |
           ___d88888P           |                    |       |
          d8888888P             |                    |       |
          Y8888P`               |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
  __                            |  Very similar to   |       |
 d88b                           |   the 'n' sound    |       |
 8888                           |                    |       |
 8888 |                         | The tip of the     |       |
 8888 1                         | tongue touches     |  |_   |
 8888 |                         | the front part of  |       |
 8888 |                         | the roof of the    |       |
 8888 `----->                   | mouth.             |       |
 8888                           |                    |       |
 8888_____________________      |                    |       |
 Y888888888888888888888888b     |                    |       |
  Y88888888888888888888888P     |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
 -1----->                       |                    |       |
  ____________________          |  Between the 'Dah' |       |
 d88888888888888888888b         |  and 'Tah' sounds  |       |
 888888888888888888888P         |                    |       |
 8888                           | The tip of the     |       |
 8888 |                         | tongue lightly     |  [    |
 8888 2                         | touches the back   |       |
 8888 |                         | of the top front   |       |
 8888 |                         | teeth.             |       |
 8888 `---->                    |                    |       |
 8888_________________          |                    |       |
 888888888888888888888b         |                    |       |
 Y88888888888888888888P         |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
    --1-------------------,     |                    |       |
   ____________________   |     |                    |       |
  d88888888888888888888b  |     |  Between an 'L'    |       |
  Y888888888888888888888  V     |  and an 'R'        |       |
                    8888        |                    | `]    |
                    8888        | The tip of the     | [_    |
   -2----------->   8888        | tongue touches     |       |
   _________________8888        | just behind the    |       |
  d888888888888888888888        | ridge in the       |  OR   |
  888888888888888888888P        | front of the roof  |       |
  8888 .                        | of the mouth.      |   Z   |
  8888 3                        | Say 'Elll', and    |       |
  8888 '--->                    | bring the tip of   |       |
  8888_________________         | the tongue back-   |       |
  888888888888888888888b        | wards a little     |       |
  Y88888888888888888888P        |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
        -2-----------------,    |                    |       |
    _____________________  |    |  Very close to     |       |
 | d888888888888888888888b |    |  the 'M' sound     |       |
 1 88888888888888888888888 |    |                    |       |
 | 8888               8888 |    | The lips are       |       |
 | 8888               8888 |    | brought together,  |       |
 | 8888               8888 V    | just like saying   |  []   |
 | 8888               8888      | 'Ma'.              |       |
 V 8888               8888      |                    |       |
   8888               8888      |                    |       |
   8888               8888      |                    |       |
   8888_______________8888      |                    |       |
   88888888888888888888888      |                    |       |
   Y888888888888888888888P      |                    |       |
      -3-------->               |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
       __           __          |                    |       |
      d88b         d88b         |                    |       |
      8888         8888 |       |  Between a 'B'     |       |
    | 8888         8888 3       |  and a 'P'         |       |
    1 8888         8888 |       |                    |       |
    | 8888 -2--->  8888 |       | The lips are       |       |
    | 8888_________8888 |       | brought together,  |       |
    V 88888888888888888 |       | just like saying   |  |d   |
      88888888888888888 V       | 'Ma', then brought |       |
      8888         8888         | apart with barely  |(it's a|
      8888         8888         | enough air to make |stretch|
      8888         8888         | a sound. (like     |I know)|
      8888_________8888         | 'Ball', instead of |       |
      88888888888888888         | 'Paul')            |       |
      Y888888888888888P         |                    |       |
        -4------->              |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |  Very close to     |       |
             __                 |  an 'S'            |       |
            d88b                |                    |       |
       /    8888  \             | Said much like an  |       |
     _1    d8888   2            | 'S' in english,    |       |
   L'    _d88888b   \           | tip of the tongue  |  /\   |
       _d88888888b  -'          | near the top front |       |
    _cd88888888888b__           | ridge of the mouth |       |
  cd8888888P  Y888888bo_        | with a bit of air  |       |
 d88888P        Y8888888b       | to make a sound.   |       |
 Y88P               Y888P       |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |
                                |                    |       |

It's also interesting to note, that the Korean alphabet (Hangul) was formed to
simulate (albeit roughly) the characteristics of the mouth.  When you say 'Gah',
the tongue acts similar to what the character shows if you picture a person's
face looking to the left (use those imaginations I -KNOW- you have... I tried
ASCII-fying that, but failed miserably).

888                                     888 
888                                     888 
888                                     888 
88888b.  8888b. 88888b.  .d88b. 888  888888 
888 "88b    "88b888 "88bd88P"88b888  888888 
888  888.d888888888  888888  888888  888888 
888  888888  888888  888Y88b 888Y88b 888888 
888  888"Y888888888  888 "Y88888 "Y88888888 
                        Y8b d88P            
 _                             _ 
| |                           | |
| |__   __ _ _ __   __ _ _   _| |
| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | | | |
| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |_| | |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|
                    __/ |        
88                                                         88  
88                                                         88  
88                                                         88  
88,dPPYba,  ,adPPYYba, 8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYb,d8 88       88 88  
88P'    "8a ""     `Y8 88P'   `"8a a8"    `Y88 88       88 88  
88       88 ,adPPPPP88 88       88 8b       88 88       88 88  
88       88 88,    ,88 88       88 "8a,   ,d88 "8a,   ,a88 88  
88       88 `"8bbdP"Y8 88       88  `"YbbdP"Y8  `"YbbdP'Y8 88  
                                    aa,    ,88                 


ASCII Character Codes:

h = ASCII 104

a = ASCII 97

n = ASCII 110

g = ASCII 103

u = ASCII 117

l = ASCII 108


H = ASCII 72

A = ASCII 65

N = ASCII 78

G = ASCII 71

U = ASCII 85

L = ASCII 76