/* /> @/< There Can Be Only One!!! [\\\\\\(O):::\* Forge me a sword, and I want you to try To sharpen it well when you're done. For I learned yesterday that I cannot die, And they say THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! Forge me a sword, for I need to defend Against those who'll come seeking my head. And we'll fight 'till the inescapable end, That leaves one alive, and one dead. Forge me a sword, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!, And too much time already has passed. For though we all must fall, ere the Game can be done, I'll be damned if I won't be the last. I am Highlander, the IMMORTAL. From the depths of time, I and many of my kind have battled and loved. We are waiting for the time of the Gathering, when only a few of us are left. Then we will battle for the ULTIMATE prize. Remember THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! |\ <<\ - / \ // _-----------------------------------------------------------{o}______/| < -==============================================:::{*}///////////] `-----------------------------------------------------------{o}~~~~~~\| \ / \\ < ~ |/ ERROR 406: file corrupt: config.earth --- reboot universe? (Y/N) unknown
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ASCII Character Codes:
h = ASCII 104
i = ASCII 105
g = ASCII 103
h = ASCII 104
l = ASCII 108
a = ASCII 97
n = ASCII 110
d = ASCII 100
e = ASCII 101
r = ASCII 114
H = ASCII 72
I = ASCII 73
G = ASCII 71
H = ASCII 72
L = ASCII 76
A = ASCII 65
N = ASCII 78
D = ASCII 68
E = ASCII 69
R = ASCII 82