[()]~~~Z__.(O\_)=="# one line lektrik gtr cjr after ejm From Krogg: Here are a just a few of my 3 byte ascii-art @__ carpet roll (X) infinity [E} computer mouse #HI gradient /"\ volcano \S\ waves 6\9 squigle with spirals [#> .22 projectile [#B .22 hollow point ==> FS's penis/actual size 'T` palm tree /W\ volcano 2 /V\ volcano 3 \*/ crotch shot (:) vagina -^- stealth fighter |\| the letter N //\ tent /\\ tent 2 l_D coffee cup l_P coffee cup 2 l_B coffee cup 3 (/) sideways letter S (\) backwards sideways letter S TTT power lines /T\ aztec temple |%| beaker of acid C## rifled slug (W) head phones #== hammer J"l tree stump "^" face <%%%%|==========> sword ---= fork ====\_/ pipe `o##o> car A clothes pin C|_| coffee mug >++('> fish bones [|^^^^^^^ hacksaw /\^/\__/|\T__ looking down a road . particle man Y sling shot =y- - - --* thing from sling shot < > /\ \/ L some boomerangs .,.,\______/,..,.,. canoe * ninja star ((#)) top view of a person ,.A.. "middle finger" |--< side ways wine glass >--| its evil twin |-o-| a small tie fighter i saw "`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-'"`-._,-' a wave or banner decor |><| hour glass on side ^*_*^ a forward facing smiley //O\\ a spider '==xx\0 a dead guy '==>x\9 a dead girl '-=,o a dead child .....`=o=^o>'-=,o car about to run over dead child ..'...-=...,.o......`o=^o> car ran over dead child @[O],[O] dude with glasses @(o),(o) another dude with glasses O==I======> small sword XXX--------> an arrow --~~~=:>[XXXXXXXXX]> a rocket Y-Y^y^-/|\--Y^y^yY looking ahead on a desert highway ``'//^\=Z -=O a turtle after a tadpole ___/<^>\___ front view of a stealth bomber & & >^\\\<| big fish going after little ones ~^~^~'====>`~^~^~^~^~ torpedo in water
888d8b 888Y8P 888 .d88b. 88888b. .d88b. 88888888888b. .d88b. d88""88b888 "88bd8P Y8b888888888 "88bd8P Y8b 888 888888 88888888888888888888 88888888888 Y88..88P888 888Y8b. 888888888 888Y8b. "Y88P" 888 888 "Y8888 888888888 888 "Y8888
_ _ | (_) ___ _ __ ___| |_ _ __ ___ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \ | (_) | | | | __/ | | | | | __/ \___/|_| |_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___|
88 88 88 "" 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba, ,adPPYba, 88 88 8b,dPPYba, ,adPPYba, a8" "8a 88P' `"8a a8P_____88 88 88 88P' `"8a a8P_____88 8b d8 88 88 8PP""""""" 88 88 88 88 8PP""""""" "8a, ,a8" 88 88 "8b, ,aa 88 88 88 88 "8b, ,aa `"YbbdP"' 88 88 `"Ybbd8"' 88 88 88 88 `"Ybbd8"'
ASCII Character Codes:
o = ASCII 111
n = ASCII 110
e = ASCII 101
l = ASCII 108
i = ASCII 105
n = ASCII 110
e = ASCII 101
O = ASCII 79
N = ASCII 78
E = ASCII 69
L = ASCII 76
I = ASCII 73
N = ASCII 78
E = ASCII 69