.. .-'"'-._ .-' / ` (o).;>0<.-' . \../ -'__/ , ` '._.--,.' . " ' ; ' ` .`". " ' ; ; ` / gfj \ ""-." \ ', =================================== (diddled by akg) The pika resembles a small rabbit and is included in the rabbit order, Lagomorpha, but it belongs to a different family. It has broad, rounded ears, and all four of its legs are about the same length. The pika is tailless and reaches a length of 6 to 9 inches (15-23 cm). Its deep, soft coat is grayish or buff in color.
d8b888 Y8P888 888 88888b. 888888 888 8888b. 888 "88b888888 .88P "88b 888 888888888888K .d888888 888 d88P888888 "88b888 888 88888P" 888888 888"Y888888 888 888 888
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88 88 "" 88 88 8b,dPPYba, 88 88 ,d8 ,adPPYYba, 88P' "8a 88 88 ,a8" "" `Y8 88 d8 88 8888[ ,adPPPPP88 88b, ,a8" 88 88`"Yba, 88, ,88 88`YbbdP"' 88 88 `Y8a `"8bbdP"Y8 88 88
ASCII Character Codes:
p = ASCII 112
i = ASCII 105
k = ASCII 107
a = ASCII 97
P = ASCII 80
I = ASCII 73
K = ASCII 75
A = ASCII 65