RECIPE FOR A HIPPOPOTAMUS SANDWICH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -by Shel Silverstein A hippo sandwich is easy to make. All you do is simply take One slice of bread _.---.) One slice of cake, (^--^)_.-" `, Some mayonnaise, ) ee ( | One onion ring, (_.__._) / One hippopotamus, `----', ,' One piece of string, jgs )_|--')_| A dash of pepper-- ""' ""' That ought to do it, And now comes the problem... Biting into it! From: Nate / DAC Your basic thin sandwich (could be peanut butter and jelly perhaps) _.---._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~---._ _.-~ ~\ .-~ _.; :-._ _.-~ ./ }-._~-._ _..__.-~ _.-~) `-._~-._~-._ / .__..--~_.-~ ~-._~-._\. _.-~_/ _..--~~ ~-. \`--...--~_.-~/~~ \.`--...--~_.-~ ~-..----~ Balogna ("baloney") and cheese: _.---._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~---._ _.-~ ~\ .-~ _.; :-._ _.-~./ }-._~-._ _..__.-~_.-~ ) `-._~-._~-._ / ...-~H.-~ ~-nad.._\. _.-~ .:::: // ~-. \`--...--~ _.-~__...==~ \.`--...---+-~~~~~ ~-..----~ How about a deli style turkey sandwich (damn I'm hungry now!): _.---._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~-._ _.-~ ~---._ _.-~ ~\ .-~ _.; :-._ _.-~ ./ `-._~-._ _..__.-~ _.-~ / ~-._~-._ / .__..--~----._ \_____(_;-._\. _.-~_/ ~).. . \ /(_____ \`--...--~_.-~______..-+_______) .(_________/`--...--~/ _/nad /\ /-._ \_ (___./_..-~__.....__..-~./ `-._~-._ ~\--------~ .-~_..__.-~ _.-~ ~-._~-._ ~---------' / .__..--~ ~-._\. _.-~_/ \`--...--~_.-~ `--...--~ Gotta have something to wash that down with... _ // // _______________//__ .(______________//___). | / | |. . . . . . . / . . .| \ . . . . . ./. . . . / | / ___ | _.---._ |::......./../...\.:| _.-~ ~-._ |::::/::\::/:\::::::| _.-~ ~-._ |::::\::/::::::X:/::| _.-~ ~---.;:::::::/::\::/:::::| _.-~ ~\::::::n::::::::::| .-~ _.;::/::::a::::::::/ :-._ _.-~ ./::::::::d:::::::| `-._~-._ _..__.-~ _.-~|::/::::::::::::::| / ~-._~-._ / .__..--~----.YWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWP' \_____(_;-._\. _.-~_/ ~).. . \ /(_____ \`--...--~_.-~______..-+_______) .(_________/`--...--~/ _/ /\ /-._ \_ (___./_..-~__.....__..-~./ `-._~-._ ~\--------~ .-~_..__.-~ _.-~ ~-._~-._ ~---------' / .__..--~ ~-._\. _.-~_/ \`--...--~_.-~ `--...--~
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s = ASCII 115
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