See `nerd' for more from Nerd Boy! Nerd Boy, episode 313 I demand to know why my / There's nothing wrong here, sir. internet connection is dead. \ Must be a problem at your end. , / `__ [OO \ ___ ..j ___A___ `||. / _\__\_||__ | | bb \ | | | / \ I -pay- you to fix / Should we go through our problems. Fix it! \ logs and track down the , / _ , problem, sir? [OO \ .j ___A___ `||. / __\_.)_| | | _ bb __________________ \ ______ |___|/| | / \ / OK.. Our logs say you were at Well duh! \ when , / _ , the error occured, [OO \ .j is that correct? ___A___ `||> / __\_-)_| | | _ dd __________________ \ ______ |___|/| | / \ / \ Hello? / `__ _ \ ___ ..j __'A`__ / _\__\_||__ | | \ jg| | |
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ASCII Character Codes:
s = ASCII 115
e = ASCII 101
r = ASCII 114
v = ASCII 118
i = ASCII 105
c = ASCII 99
e = ASCII 101
S = ASCII 83
E = ASCII 69
R = ASCII 82
V = ASCII 86
I = ASCII 73
C = ASCII 67
E = ASCII 69