Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

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An appendix to The Smilies dictionary

 =|:-)X User is a diplomat or made a diplomatic remark
 ,`:-C  Huh? What's the matter?
 ,`:-)  Wow! Really an interesting idea!
 |-[#]  Beware! User is going to explode
  |[*]  User is exploding NOW!!!
  S:-)  User is a superuser (supervisor, root, ...)
  S:-(  A superuser who does not like you
  S:-[  A superuser who wants to kill your processes
  S:-[..A superuser just deleting your account!
  (##]  User is a hockey (american football, ...) player
 =):-)  User is a cowboy
 =)||)  User is ZORRO
   :- ] User is shocked
  !:-I  User is an Apache
  \%*}  An Apache after a few galons of fire water
  <:<)} User is a hippie
 *):-)  User is a Machometan
 *):||  User is a Machometan woman
  (:[   User is a worm (ant, ...)
 }(:-(  User is a Viking
  (8[]  User is watching TV
  UJ:)  User is a student or a scientist on the Jagellonian University
<:|-|)> User is a member of  (UJ's Association of Physics Students)
  H=D   User is a Black man
  :+(   User has a scared face
  o^/   A profile of an user
  :-(|  User is beheaded
  :-(O  User is hanged
 o:-(   User is shooted
 <|##   This user is a hangman
)-::-(  User is married
:-)(-:  User is just married
  :-E]  User must go to the dentist
  :-F]  User just came back from a dentist
  :-L]  The dentist itself
  :-I]  User has no need to go to the dentist
  :-O=  User shows you its tongue
  -]=   User makes an obscene gesture
  =[-   Ditto with his left hand

Now some military smilies. User is:

  (:-I  ... an ordinary soldier
 *(:-I  ... an officer
 _(:-I  ... a soldier from radio-communication troops
 V(8-I  ... a pilot from AF
MP(:-[  ... well, no comments
|-(:-I  ... a soldier from radar forces
 ~(:-I  ... a general or a marshal
 $(:-I  ... a dog soldier
   :    ... from a secret service
        ... from a top secret service
  (B^I  ... an agent of CIA (KGB, UOP, STASI, MOSSAD, ...)
  (#-[  ... a marine
 >X#-[  (Marines never die. They simply go to hell to regroup.)

MEGA: I-8)~V-|!  a left handed general of radar department of AF `Apache'


Made by PSH & Company 21.09.1994.

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     X88888  888  888888888888Y8b.         X88 
 88888P'888  888  888888888888 "Y8888  88888P' 
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                             88 88 88                       
                             "" 88 ""                       
,adPPYba, 88,dPYba,,adPYba,  88 88 88  ,adPPYba, ,adPPYba,  
I8[    "" 88P'   "88"    "8a 88 88 88 a8P_____88 I8[    ""  
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aa    ]8I 88      88      88 88 88 88 "8b,   ,aa aa    ]8I  
`"YbbdP"' 88      88      88 88 88 88  `"Ybbd8"' `"YbbdP"'  


ASCII Character Codes:

s = ASCII 115

m = ASCII 109

i = ASCII 105

l = ASCII 108

i = ASCII 105

e = ASCII 101

s = ASCII 115


S = ASCII 83

M = ASCII 77

I = ASCII 73

L = ASCII 76

I = ASCII 73

E = ASCII 69

S = ASCII 83