the Seattle, Washington Space Needle It looks pretty realistic....with an elevator showing, with some people inside. At the top, there's a perpectual patio and gift shop, as well as the revolving restaurant. . * . : . | . | . | . :|: . ||| . _____|||_____ . /=============\ . ---<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>--- . \-------------/ . \___________/ . \||:::||/ . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . ||ooo|| . ||___|| . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . ||:::|| . /||:::||\ . / ||:::|| \ . / ||:::|| \ . / ||:::|| \ . ___/____||:::||____\____ . /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ . / |~~~~~~~~| _____ \ . | |________| | | | | . ______|______________|__|__|_____|_________ Cygnus Mineah
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ASCII Character Codes:
s = ASCII 115
p = ASCII 112
a = ASCII 97
c = ASCII 99
e = ASCII 101
n = ASCII 110
d = ASCII 100
l = ASCII 108
S = ASCII 83
P = ASCII 80
A = ASCII 65
C = ASCII 67
E = ASCII 69
N = ASCII 78
D = ASCII 68
L = ASCII 76