Stealth fighter Lester /\ AMC / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / /\/\ /\/\ \ / / \/ \ \ \/ \/ ___( () )___ ___( )__ * _( ( ( )jro ) __) ( () ))__ ( _()________) (____)__)_____) * (_____) * * __ * __ * * \_/__\_/ \_/__\_/ _______/__\/__\_______ _______/__\/__\_______ \ \ "Well, what do you think, Blue Two? Here we are, flying the world's most sophisticated fighter." *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ "We're all alone in the night sky, and there's nothin' in the universe can track these stealth babies..." / / "Yea, it's too cool." | / | / / \ / \ / //V\\ //V\\ / \|/ \ / \|/ \ /=/ v \=\ /=/ v \=\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / /| |\ \ / /| |\ \ / / \\ // \USA\ / / \\ // \USA\ \ / \\ // \ / \ / \\ // \ / \/ / \ / \ \/ \/ / \ / \ \/ / / V \ \ / / V \ \ |_/ \_| |_/ \_| jro JROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJROJRO ORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJORJ __________ ___ ___( () )___ ___( )__ * _( ( ( ) ) __) ( () ))__ ( _()________) (____)__)_____) * (_____) * * "I don't know how we are supposed to * finish this survey, Whxglitz, with all these silly, Proto-Earth-Beings * flying around up here all night!" / .-'~~~~'-. / .-~ \__/ \__/`~-. .-~ (oo) (oo) ~-. (_____//~~\\//~~\\______) _.-~` `~-._ /O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O=O\ * \___________________________________/ JRO \x x x x x x x/ * \x_x_x_x_x_x/ thatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsall thatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsallthatsall Jonathon R. Oglesbee See 'cartoon' for more !
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ASCII Character Codes:
s = ASCII 115
t = ASCII 116
e = ASCII 101
a = ASCII 97
l = ASCII 108
t = ASCII 116
h = ASCII 104
S = ASCII 83
T = ASCII 84
E = ASCII 69
A = ASCII 65
L = ASCII 76
T = ASCII 84
H = ASCII 72