Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

From: PCM 
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: MudPack for the week of 4/16/00 

The graphic version of this is (C) Chris Caines 2000.
Mudpack is a weakly comic strip and is located at
http://www.muds.co.uk/strip.cgi  You may also wish 
to take a look at the archives (http://www.muds.co.uk/archives.cgi)
some of them are quite funny... especially if you are a MU* player.
anyway... i just thought this one was pretty funny and thought id
make an ascii version.


                       Mind if I use
                       this terminal?
      Knock yourself out..         \_
       _____ /                      \
      /_____\    .---.     .---.
      \  0  /   /|    `   '    |\
       \---/    ||     | |     ||
       /   \    ||     | |     ||
      /\   /\   \|    ;   ;    |/
     |  \ /  |   )---'(   )'---(
                        Stop looking at my

      _____                        ,''',
     /_____\    .---.     .---.   / \   ;
     \   0 /   /|    `   '    |\   o   ,'
      \---/    ||     | |     ||    '  ;
      /   \    ||     | |     ||   ,'  `;
     /\   /\   \|    ;   ;    |/ ((     ,
    |  \ /  |   )---'(   )'---(   ``.   ;
       Tap.. Tap..
   __   Tap. Tapp
  /\ \   Tap..               ,''',
 /  \ \   .---.     .---.   / \   ;
 | o \/  /|    `   '    |\   o   ,'
/  _/    ||     | |     ||    '  ;
\ /\_    ||     | |     ||   ,'  `;
 V   \   \|    ;   ;    |/ ((     ,
      w   )---'(   )'---(   ``.   ;
                        ..and stop telling
                        your friends about

                        my breasts.
   __                        \
  /\ \ Tap...                 \ ,''',
 /  \ \    .---.     .---.     / \   ;
 | o \/   /|    `   '    |\     o   ,'
/  _/     ||     | |     ||      '  ;
\ /\_     ||     | |     ||     ,'  `;
 V   \    \|    ;   ;    |/   ((     ,
      w    )---'(   )'---(     ``.   ;

Once again.. thanks to Chris Caines.

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ASCII Character Codes:

t = ASCII 116

e = ASCII 101

r = ASCII 114

m = ASCII 109

i = ASCII 105

n = ASCII 110

a = ASCII 97

l = ASCII 108


T = ASCII 84

E = ASCII 69

R = ASCII 82

M = ASCII 77

I = ASCII 73

N = ASCII 78

A = ASCII 65

L = ASCII 76