Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See `bath', `ladies_room' and `gents_room' for more!

   [ ]
          Tom Bampton 

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Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Req: toilet
From: cfbd@southern.co.nz (Colin Douthwaite)
Date: 8 Sep 1996 04:50:36 GMT




Say, would you know where the closest ASCII restroom is?

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No.  But would this be helpful?

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                                |            |   -Patrick M Hancy-
                               /              \


Chris Nichols Presents: An Evening with Jerry Garcia and Melvin Seals
___   ________________________   ___   ________________________   ___
   I I                        I I   I I                        I I
   I I  Yesssss!  Ohhhhh!     I I   I I  Uhhhh! Great show     I I
   IHI  The night we flushed  I I   IHI  Jerry.  Hummmmm!      I I
   I I  ole poo-poo downnnn!  I I   I I  Owww!                 I I
   I I                        I I   I I                        I I
   I I                        I I   I I                        I I
   I I                     O  I-I   I I                     O  I-I
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 I           I_I   I_I            I            I I   I I           I
_H_          <$>   <$>           _H_           <#>   <#>          _H_

Enjoy.  Please don't post unless complete.  Thanks!


             |               _____               |
             |               \ o /               |
             |                ~~~                |
             |                Dux                |
             |                                   |
             |                                   |
             |                                   |
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   /                        \               |________/____|
  <                          >              (_________)____)  -MH/cfbd-
___\________________________/________   _____________________


From: Colin_Douthwaite@equinox.gen.nz (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: sci.chem,rec.humor,alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: toilet technology
Date: 22 Dec 1994 07:25:33 GMT
Message-ID: <3db9ld$mbh@southern.co.nz>

Colin Douthwaite (Colin_Douthwaite@equinox.gen.nz) wrote:
: d_tolle@smcvax.smcvt.edu wrote:
: In article ,
: virginia@comtch.iea.com (Virginia Ledgerwood) writes:

:>  We would apprieciate any information on toilets that you have.
:>  No one has responded yet. PLEASE HELP!!!!!

:>                     From Aaron, Andrew, Joel, and Kyley

: "The Acme School of Stuff" is an excellent series of broadcasts
: from (I believe) Toronto.  One of the programs tells all about how
: toilets operate, how they are manufactured, what they are made of,
:  and so on.  Find and Enjoy!

> There is a 1984 BBC Television documentary on the origin and
> development of public conveniences in Britain entitled "On The
> Throne". It traces the technology back to the quite elaborate public
> conveniences built by the Romans for their garrisons in Britain
> through to the modern automatic coin-operated SuperLoos of London.

> Good viewing if you can trace a copy and have a liking for
> lavatories and the stories that go with them :-)


 |            |
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             |               _____               |
             |               \ o /               |
             |                ~~~                |
             |                Dux                |
             |                                   |
             |                                   |
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             |                                   |
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                       //            \\

               Warning to train passengers

" Don't use the W.C. whilst the train is standing in the Station.
  If you've got to go, then you've got to go
  Before you reach your destination.

  You'll be fined 5 quid if you lift the lid
  And be put upon probation.
  So don't use the W.C. whilst the train is standing in the Station ! "

The above musical ditty is from the BBC Television documentary "
Upon the Throne " made in 1984 on the subject of toilet technology
and development dating from the Roman occupation of Britain to the
modern day, coin-operated, fully automatic, SuperLoos of London.


 ~-_                                                              _-
    ~-_                                                        _-~
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           |                                             |
           |          ___________________________        |
""--__     |         |         /\     /\         |       |  __--~~!
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      | |  |         |       ~~~>  V  <~~~       |       | !      !
  /   | |  |         |         \  \|/  /         |       | !      !
      | |  |         |          `-----'          |       | !      !
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   /  | |  |                                             | !      !
      | |  |           __________________________        | !      !
 / /  | |  |          |           _____          |       | !      !
      | |  |          |           \ o /          |       | !      !
 /    | |  |          |            ~~~           |       | !      !
      | |  |          |            Dux           |       | !      !
__--""__|  |          |                          |       | !      !
__--""     |          |                          |       | !    O !
           |           --------------------------        | !      !
           |               |   __------__   |            | !      !
           |              /  ./  ,.....,  \. \           | !      !
           |            /  ./   .   _   .  \.  \         | !      !
           |          /    /       >o)_//   \   \        | !      !
           |         (     (  ~    (__)   _ )    )       | !      !
           |          \     \.   ~_~~~~~  ./    /        | !      !
           |            \     \.________./    /          | |      !
           |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\                /_ _ _ _ _ _ | |      !
         ,'                   \.========./                '|.     !
       ,'                     I          I                   '.   !
     ,'                       I          I                     '. !
   ,'                        /]          [\    -cfbd-            '!
 ,'                         //            \\                       '.
'                          \\_____________//                         '.

  1. Dux is a common brand of toilet in N.Z.
  2. Kitty's picture is by Ed Savage
  3. Because of the endless designs of toilet roll holders
     this is omitted from the picture to avoid prejudice.



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ASCII Character Codes:

t = ASCII 116

o = ASCII 111

i = ASCII 105

l = ASCII 108

e = ASCII 101

t = ASCII 116

s = ASCII 115


T = ASCII 84

O = ASCII 79

I = ASCII 73

L = ASCII 76

E = ASCII 69

T = ASCII 84

S = ASCII 83