Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

From - Sun Nov 24 03:15:04 1996
Path: online.no!sn.no!nntp.uio.no!nntp.zit.th-darmstadt.de!fu-berlin.de!banach.math.fu-berlin.DE!not-for-mail
From: guckes@banach.math.fu-berlin.de (Sven Guckes)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Wanted: Hindenburg blimp Crashing and burning pict
Date: 23 Nov 1996 13:35:33 GMT
Organization: Freie Universitaet Berlin
Lines: 25
References: <3294a372.58697884@news.mindspring.com> <5763gg$mqs@nntp4.u.washington.edu>
Reply-To: guckes@math.fu-berlin.de
NNTP-Posting-Host: banach.math.fu-berlin.de (
X-Access: 16 17 19
X-Newsgroups: alt.fan.violence,alt.fan.peace
X-Newsreader: slrn ( (BETA) UNIX)

tyoud (Tom Youderian):
>                            .     .   /\_.----.
>                              .  :    \_/ /  / \
>      Oh, the humanity!     <    <     / /  // /\          \o/
>                          .:>: .> >. :/*/:./.X__         |
> --------------------:--:--**#:-<<:^/^<**#**#**:._/--------/->------
> Hrm doesnt look very much like the hindenburg (I thought it was a
> beast thing chasing someone at first) but he says thats what it is. :))

Actually, it's a picture of VIOLENCE if you remove some of the characters:

>                                kill  /\_.----.
>                                KILL! \_/ /  / \                HELP!
>                          argl         / / \/  /           \o/
>                           choke\     / /  <  /             |
>                                 <:^/(_)=. -\_\------------/->------
>                                      \   \

Can you see the EVIL HULK choking this innocent ASCII character?  Oh, my!
No wonder the little ASCII man is running away!  Run, ASCII man, RUN!

Don't do this at home, kids!


        d8b        888                                 
        Y8P        888                                 
888  888888 .d88b. 888 .d88b. 88888b.  .d8888b .d88b.  
888  888888d88""88b888d8P  Y8b888 "88bd88P"   d8P  Y8b 
Y88  88P888888  88888888888888888  888888     88888888 
 Y8bd8P 888Y88..88P888Y8b.    888  888Y88b.   Y8b.     
  Y88P  888 "Y88P" 888 "Y8888 888  888 "Y8888P "Y8888  
       _       _                     
      (_)     | |                    
__   ___  ___ | | ___ _ __   ___ ___ 
\ \ / / |/ _ \| |/ _ \ '_ \ / __/ _ \
 \ V /| | (_) | |  __/ | | | (_|  __/
  \_/ |_|\___/|_|\___|_| |_|\___\___|
            88             88                                               
            ""             88                                               
8b       d8 88  ,adPPYba,  88  ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYba,  ,adPPYba,  
`8b     d8' 88 a8"     "8a 88 a8P_____88 88P'   `"8a a8"     "" a8P_____88  
 `8b   d8'  88 8b       d8 88 8PP""""""" 88       88 8b         8PP"""""""  
  `8b,d8'   88 "8a,   ,a8" 88 "8b,   ,aa 88       88 "8a,   ,aa "8b,   ,aa  
    "8"     88  `"YbbdP"'  88  `"Ybbd8"' 88       88  `"Ybbd8"'  `"Ybbd8"'  


ASCII Character Codes:

v = ASCII 118

i = ASCII 105

o = ASCII 111

l = ASCII 108

e = ASCII 101

n = ASCII 110

c = ASCII 99

e = ASCII 101


V = ASCII 86

I = ASCII 73

O = ASCII 79

L = ASCII 76

E = ASCII 69

N = ASCII 78

C = ASCII 67

E = ASCII 69