Don't forget to try our new Animated ASCII Art (beta)

See `sledge' and `snow_blower' for more !

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From: Veronica Karlsson

And then after a couple of hours when we were totally exhausted we went
on to go downhill (on what llizard translated to "a flying saucer) - on
a hill constructed for very small children!!!

The hill:

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                                       ( wheeee! )  ||//   /  .'
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                                                    /_.'/  \  /
                                                       /    \/ `.Small child
<- Forest                                             /   using the type of
                                                     /   vehicle the hill was
                                                    /  constructed for
       _.--._                                    /
    .-'      `--.__                            .'
   /               `----.___                .-'
  /        ^                `----.____.----'
 /         |
/    This little bump is supposed to stop the ride.

Two grown-ups on flying saucer going down tiny hill much too fast in a very
unsuitable, and very unstable, vehicle:

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One of them was me... When we got halfway down the saucer suddenly spinned
around and we ended up going _over_ the bump - backwards - straight into a

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------------------------- by Veronica Karlsson :

This vehicle is called "spark" (which means "kick" in Swedish). It
could be described as "a chair on skates".

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ASCII Character Codes:

w = ASCII 119

i = ASCII 105

n = ASCII 110

t = ASCII 116

e = ASCII 101

r = ASCII 114


W = ASCII 87

I = ASCII 73

N = ASCII 78

T = ASCII 84

E = ASCII 69

R = ASCII 82